
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Reparación y construcción de maquinaria
The increase of the productivity is the main reason by which the companies repair his machines

Repair and construction of machinery

Nina Jareño17/03/2014

The sector of the repair of machinery is submerged in a situation inhabitual. The economic crisis that affects to Spain from does more than five years and the requirements of the market, among others reasons, have carried to the companies to position in favour of the repair before that the purchase of new equipments. Machinery that surpasses the 10 years of antiquity is the protagonist of the most common repairs, repairs that affect to all the sectors and markets.

The repair of machinery always has been an option very very positioned in the collective mentality of the employer but, at present, more than an option is the only possibility. The majority of industrial equipments characterises by his robustness and his specialisation, thing that turns them into exclusive and compulsory products to amortise. Big part of the Spanish companies understand this amortización through the repair or the restructuring of his machinery, since it allows them lengthen the useful life of his machines with a lower investment that buying new equipment.

Machines between 10 and 15 years

The ancient equipments with an average between 10 and 15 years of life are the standard with which the companies and workshops of repair come working the last years. “Usually they are machines from 1998 until the last dates”, puntualiza Jesús Miguel Vallejo, vice-president and commercial director of Vallcal. His company specialises in the repair and the reconstruction of machines-tool of all the sectors, but in the last times has noticed an increase of demand by part of the sector of the car, railway industry, nautics or aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing, among others.

Julio of the Crag, director manager of Nicolás Correa Service, explains that “the machines that receive and of which request us realizar works of repair or retrofitting are always milling machines of numerical control and with an average of age of some 15 years. Especially they are milling machines of the mark Correa, although increasingly our customers ask us repair milling machines of other national marks”. As sucede in Vallcal, in NC Service also are noticing the increase of demand by part of the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing sector: “The machines with which work belong mainly to the sector of mechanised in general, as well as to the of automotive sector, railway industry and aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing. Precisely this last sector is presenting enough sues in the last months”.

In Post-Sale Careers S.To. They have specialised in all type of presses for the metallic tooling and, thus, receive mechanical presseses, hydraulics and all the concerning his peripherals for the production. From the Management of Post-Sale explain that the machines that receive for reacondicionar “have been manufactured between the years 1970 and 1990 that, because of his work in continuous, have suffered deteriorations in many of his components so many mechanics like hydraulics or electrical. Still like this, the repairs can be of machines of any year of manufacture due to the fact that they produce failures by wear with the step of the time in old equipment as well as by an inappropriate use of new equipment.

Milling machines In the workshop of Vallcal
Milling machines In the workshop of Vallcal.

Increase of the productivity, the base of the repair

At present the companies decant by the repair or reacondicionación of his machinery by distinct reasons, between them his own requirement, the one of the market and the increase of the productivity. Jesús Miguel Vallejo thinks that “in some way has increased the demand because of the crisis, but now the customers are more demanding, that on the other hand is much better for which carry long devoting us to this sector”. By his side, Julio of the Crag thinks that “the customers need to increase the productivity of his machines in a term of time and with a price that competes directly with the one of the new machines. Our customers sue machines reconstructed, in perfect conditions of operation and with total reliability, in a term of short time. Our company is able to satisfy these needs in a term of some three months, time in which even we can yield them a fresadora of similar characteristic not to interrupt like this his productive process”.

The management of Post-Sale Careers affirms conclusive: “we Believe clearly that the crisis is not the reason of the increase of demand. With the step of the years, the machines increase his productive capacity by hour worked. This supposes that to manufacture the same number of pieces needs less time of machine. If we add that the knowledge in the use of the machines of our customers has increased and that this reduces considerably failures by bad use and an excessive deterioration by sobreesfuerzos continued, arrive to the situation that with fewer machines and less time our customers produce more pieces. These factors do that the customers find with capacity of hours of excess machine, to what adding the current crisis does that his demand of product diminish, therefore reduces considerably the number of repairs that arise by productive need.

Workshop of Nicolás Correa Service in Boroughs

Workshop of Nicolás Correa Service in Boroughs.

Repair and reacondicionar before that buy

Repair machines can be an optimum form for the companies to update and innovar without the cost that supposes to buy new machinery. “If we are able to improve the productivity of a machine used, giving him back his optimum productivity and increasing his useful life, and all this with a lower investment and in lower term that in the case to purchase a new machine, is natural that the companies consider these alternatives to repair and update his machines used, especially when the expectations on a long-term basis always generate more doubts”, exposes July of the Crag. But this can not apply to all the companies since some need to be to the last in technology, as it explains of Jesús Miguel Vallejo: “some companies have to purchase would scheme new with new Technologies to be competitive to world-wide level”.

According to Careers S.To, “to repair or reacondicionar machines of an optimum form for the companies it is necessary to know which price have this type of new machines in the current market and cuales serian the costs by repair or reacondicionamiento of the old machines. Splitting of these data and with the aim to obtain a product with exactly the same productive capacity and the same guarantee, our experience indicates us that the companies are used to to choose the reacondicionamiento of his machines, since the value to invest will be much more underneath that the price of new machinery. We think that in this type of performances the time to amortise these possible investments reduces considerably comparing it with investments in new machinery, and this factor always is necessary to take it into account and more in the times that run. Another very interesting point to consider is the devaluation of the active, that is to say, the fact that a new machine lose his value in the much faster market that a machine reacondicionada. This can give in the moment in that a company want to do without some machine of property that have realizar a reacondicionamiento. In this hypothetical case, the company will obtain much more profit by a machine reacondicionada that by the same without this performance, all this is because of the value added that it contributes him the reconstruction in yes, done that in new machinery is almost impossible that occur”.

Instaciones Of Careers S.A. in The Pobla of Claramunt, Barcelona

Instaciones Of Careers S.A. in The Pobla of Claramunt, Barcelona.

The most sued repairs

The variety of repairs more sued goes through the cabezales, the pieces, the geometry of the machinery or the “machines-tools of occasion”, signals July of the Crag. “In our workshops carry out works of repair and of reconstruction of all type of machines-tools, offering the services for his adecuación technological and functional enlargement of the equipment, incorporating new mechanical components, electrical and electronic, with the end to adapt them to the new technologies and improve his competitiveness in front of the new equipment”.

By his band, Jesús Miguel Vallejo clears that “usually the customers sue with more assiduity the repair and reacondicionamiento of cabezales, since it is the part that more effort suporta in the execution of the works and therefore the one who more deteriorates . Also we realizar a lot of total reconstructions of milling machines, renewing and reacondicionando the fresadora in his whole, with works like the replacement of motors, variators or regulators of speed, like the adjust and replacement of elements like guides or threads, like the complete review of the fresadora included his geometry, etc. Very important is the update or the change of the numerical control of the milling machines, as well as of all his electronic part. And without place to doubts, increasingly are more frequent and the customer is increasingly demanding and does more upsetting in the precision and geometry of the machines”.

Finally, Careers S.A. explains that “the most sued service is the one of reacondicionamiento of presses and/or his peripherals. Our customers know the important that is the hygiene in the work and the fulfillment with the valid rule, likewise the most requested demands serian the total reconstructions of ancient presses with his corresponding Certification CE. To part also have demands of small and big repairs of mechanical and hydraulics presses, preventive maintenances, automations and improvement of processes. As well as the management of purchase - sale of all type of industrial machinery of the sector siderometalúrgico.

Related Companies or Entities

NC Service Milling Machines, S.A.
Vallcal, S.L.

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