3 Companies de Rubber molding


DTC Tecnología, S.L.

Zelai Haundi, 1 - Pol. Osinalde
20170 Usurbil (Gipuzkoa)

Components and accessories for machine-tool and elevation of ferric loads

Hasco Ibérica Normalizados, S.L.U.

Trade Ibérica Porta Rubí Ctra. de Sant Cugat 63A, 1ª planta, 2-3
08191 Rubí (Barcelona)

Manufacture of standardised for moles, hot channels and special productions

Wittmann Battenfeld Spain, S.L

Thomas Alva Edisson, 1 - Pol. Ind. Plans d’Arau
08787 La Pobla de Claramunt (Barcelona)

Machinery and equipment for the plastics industry.