Röhm Ibérica, S.A. - Drawbars

Röhm HSK

System of tie up without docks: for the mechanised with high speeds

Picture of System of tie up without docks

This system of tie up for tools according to the norm DIN 69893 HSK-And,

has diverse applications surroundings to the mechanised with high speeds: industry of the mould, aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing, aerospace, wood, electronic, micromecánica, etc.

The conventional systems of tie up for tools realise the subjection of

the tool through docks, and for soltar realises through a cylinder that

compresseses the docks and loose the tool. This new system works without docks, and the tie up of the tool produces by the effect of ‘enclavamiento in shape of coin'. For accionar this system, has to have a cylinder of shot, which has two émbolos and three positions (tie up, soltado and neutral), the position of tie up gives when it throws of the strut until the tool remains enclavada, afterwards the neutral position of the cylinder allows desconexionar the strut of the cylinder of shot to allow the twist of the husillo once tieed up the tool, and finally the position of soltado of the cylinder, allows to throw to in front of the strut, until tope (nuts in the husillo), soltando the tool.

The main advantages of the system are the following: once enclavado the mechanism and the tool is tieed up, is like a solid body-guided that it is very easy to balance, no as with the traditional system of tie up (with docks), that when being loose (no guided), is difficult to balance to high revolutions, where the disequilibriums are very important.

It mounts all the mechanism by in front, and the size of the amarrador is more reduced

. Given the so small disequilibrium 1 to 5 milligrammes, of the amarrador in

the electromandrino of proofs (RF-RS), can turn without problems to 78.000 rpm, without

problem of disequilibriums. En el futuro it will be able to turn until 120.000 rpm. The pieces of wear and of spare in this system are the strut Pos.3 and the pinza

This system of amarrador without docks, does not substitute to the conventional system, but has his applications in the mechanised of high speed. Therefore this system of amarrador is oriented generally for electromandrinos of

high speed, in the fields of the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing industry (mechanised of aluminium), industry of the wood, manufacture of electronic components, micromecánica, and therefore in any application of high speed.