Imvolca, S.L. - Extrusion lines


Lines for leaves and lastras of R-PET: without previous crystallisation

Picture of Lines for leaves and lastras of R-PET
Comac, company commercialised by Imvolca, develops lines for leaves and lastras of R-PET (developed in collaboration with Amut), instrumented with special extruders that elaborate the material without crystallisation-dried previous. When the destination is the empacado of foods, usually these lines also realise the coextrusión of PET virgin for the superficial layers (with the extruder of double husillo corrotante that does not realise composed, but uses for the extrusion without dried of PET). The lines of this type, with modifications and añadiduras timely, also allow the continuous production of lastras of PET or PP expanded, physically without use of harmful gases.