Wittmann Battenfeld Spain, S.L - Mould temperature controllers

Wittmann Flowcon

Caudalímetros Or regulators of discharge: they work to base of water

Picture of Caudalímetros Or regulators of discharge
In the caudalímetro Flowcon replace the vállvulas solenoids of the previous model, what allows a significant improvement in the control of the temperature. The valves of control of the Flowcon can use as simple, to monitor the flow and in combination with a monitoring of the flow and in combination with a sensor to regulate the temperature of the mould. The data of process such as the flow and values of temperature can enter in the tactile screen of the box or directly in the screen of the signpost of control of the unit of processing, since it is connected to the caudalímetro through an interface.

The main advantage of this type of regulator of flow is that it can be adjusted manually due to the fact that it allows the continuous electronic surveillance of the flow preestablecido and the values of temperature. All the data register and can adjust of automatic form through valves of proportional control.

This team has been put to proof in a lot of occasions and has showed his efficiency since the valve of fine regulation of the series 301 of these equipment Wittmann realizar the function of regulation of the discharge in this team.

Delicadamente, the channels of big dimension of this team guarantee the loss of low pressesure and a high discharge. In addition to this, this team has additional options at present developing like the advantage and capacity to connect directly to all the models of machines of injection of Wittmann Battenfeld, for example, as well as the capacity to fill the cavities of the mould with air compressesed and to happen of the regulated of cold water to a device of control of temperature. The maximum configuration of equipment of the series FLlowcon plus in addition to all the functions is of 4 x 12 circuits of refrigeration, that are connected between yes through a wire of data.