Oleoestepa, S.Coop. - Extra virgin olive oil

Oil of virgin olive extra: arbequino

Picture of Oil of virgin olive extra
The frutado of this oil finds very balanced with the intensities of spicy and bitter. Stand out his frutado that remembers the papilla of green fruit, the tomato, and in mouth stand out his special touch to green almond. Ideal for dishes of anchovies, sauces of mayonnaises, vinaigrettes and to accompany with cool cheese.

The glass is the container that offers better hygienic conditions and of hygiene. Oleoestepa Uses the dark glass because it protects better the oil of virgin olive extra of the light. In the container of glass have to stand out besides his possibility of recycled, what contributes positively to the care of the environingingment.

The crop of the olivar by means of the application of technicians of Integrated cheese cheese Production is a respectful model with the environingingment to obtain products of high quality, with all the guarantees of alimentary hygiene and without renouncing to the productive capacity of the exploitation, doing a rational use of the natural resources, especially the water, at the same time that cuidar in this crop avoid the erosion of our floors, apra like this guarantee on a long-term basis a sustainable agriculture, and leave tomorrow a planet more habitable.