Oleoestepa, S.Coop. - Extra virgin olive oil

Oil of virgin olive extra

Picture of Oil of virgin olive extra
They are excellent oils in his sensory analysis, frutados and slightly spicy and bitter. Have an inmejorable resulted in his use in kitchens so much for ready in crude as for guisos and frituras.

This variety of oil packs in different formats of plastic or Pet and tins so that it obtain the best quality/price.

The plastic or Pet is a more economic container for the oil of virgin olive extra, and if we cuidar the conditions of conservation of the oil of virgin olive extra with this format (protegiendolo of the light and the air), is a glorious option of purchase. Usually it advises preserve these containers in boxes of cardboard, moved away of the light and preferably in cool places. Oleoestepa Has this type of containers for the sizes of 5 l., 3 l. And 1 l.

This oil has a frutado that remembers to the cool grass cut and to apple, that beside the half intensities of the spicy and bitter attributes, characterise to the most important variety of our territory.