Herraiz Maquinaria Ica, S.A. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Herraiz Maquinaria Ica, S.A.
Amposta, 46
43500 Tortosa (Tarragona) Spain
☎:  +34‑977501300  
🖷:  +34‑977503787
w:  www.herraiz.com
Industrial, agricultural and construction supplies

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Herraiz Maquinaria Ica, S.A.

Herraiz - Machinery Ica, S.A. is a family business that focuses and develops its activity in the distribution of industrial supplies, as well as materials for agriculture, industry and construction since 1946.

Herraiz carried more than 65 years betting on quality and service as solid foundations, more than 30,000 products in stock, another more similar guaranteed within 24/48 hours, have a professional template, updated facilities of 7,000 m2 and logistics integrated in a strategic location.