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Arcusin Bets by the innovation in FIMA with his new agrupador MultiPack C14

Editorial Interempresas13/01/2012

13 January 2012

Tow AutoStack XP.
On the other hand, the demands of machines more efficient and with a greater performance in the field have been the engines of the new generation, and with this already go three, of agrupadores of pacas small. The new system of load and traslación will mark a before and an afterwards in the manipulation of this type of pacas forrajeras.
Agrupador MultiPack 14 of Arcusin
Agrupador MultiPack 14 of Arcusin.
Interview to Josep Ramón Pons, manager of Arcusin

- The company carries 30 years in a highly competitive market as it is the one of the skilled agricultural machinery. Which balance would do of these three decades?

During these years has had to all, but if we have to do balance think that has been positive. From the first day have tried to cover a segment of market very concrete and have had to us go adapting to the constant evolution of the sector of the agricultural machinery. I think that to date we have achieved our aim and follow working to be able to continue being to the height that our customers demand us.

- A mature and stable path with which perhaps sobrelleva better moments like the current?

The time helps you to mature, but always have to mark you objective to half long term that help you to schedule the future not to fall in the error to remain you stagnated and avoid that the trees do not leave you see the forestry. In our department of R&D work day in day out to adapt us to the new needs and keep us alive in the technological career.

- The past year received the certified ISO 9001. It is that one of the samples that is going on down the correct way?

If, is a step more and guarantees us that no so alone is the correct way, but it is the way to be followed. The certification ISO 9001 helps us to improve, to be more constant, more orderly, be more near of our customers and providers, and carry a better internal control of all our system of production, and as well as a continuous improvement of our service of Assistance Postventa.

- Innovar or die is the lemma of all the companies to keep on being competitive. In what is working Arcusin of face to a next future?

Take out a new product is not easy and requires of a considerable investment. As I already have said our machines go headed to a very concrete segment and limited and each geographic zone has some different characteristics. In the majority of occasions have to innovar on the same product, to be able to it adapt to the exigencias that the market goes you imposing. It does more than 30 years tow them autocargadores were for pacas small and by means of crowbars accionaban the different hydraulics distributors. In the actuality, and after several updates, load pacas giants of all type of forrajes and dimensions and incorporate programmable robots to manage all the information received of sensors and fotocélulas, for his reenvió to the electrovalves responsible of each movement.

Because of the exigencias and needs of other markets, distinct to the national, this year launch to the market a new tow autocargador of pacas, simpler and at the same time more efficient. This tow, the ‘AutoStack XP', is the result of the experience of these more than 30 years in the market.

- Present an important bet with new machinery in the segment of tow and of agrupadores of paca. What expect of this new edition of the FIMA?

Of FIMA, and of face to the national market, expect a lot, but the true is that we are faced with an economic situation extremely delicate and totally uncertain and what will find us during and after the fair, welcome will be. We go to be optimistic and expect that inside so much uncertainty discern these green shoots of which so much has spoken. The agricultural sector always has been a hard and difficult sector, and therefore it also is one of the sectors that more is holding the current crisis.

- Arcusin does time that gave explains that a good part of the business was out of our borders. How it has worked this bet? The belonging to an association like Agragex has helped to promocionarse abroad?

The first steps of Arcusin were thanks to the vision that his founders saw in the future of tow them autocargadores of pacas and the research of solutions to the manipulation of the existent small packages in that moment. Armando Cusiné, partner-founder, went the first manager of this project. Years later Manuel Cusiné, son and current owner of the company, was the one who bet by the export with the corresponding opening of Arcusin to the external markets. Thanks to this decision today our machines are presents in more than 40 countries all over the world. It is this bet, has had a lot that see be member associated of Agragex. For Arcusin has been a mate of trip inmejorable and has served us of help in studies of markets, participation in commercial missions, or in the organisation and participation of fairs to international level as they can be SIMA or Agritechnica, between others.

Neither can forget the help and collaboration that have received to autonomic level, mediated by another association of character totally exporting, FEMAC, with the creation of groups of export, negotiating stock exchanges of trip, and promocionando new projects to help to the companies of the sector.

When Arcusin aposto by the export one of his main aims, went not losing of sight his philosophy. One of the main missions of Arcusin is the deal with the customers. This same deal is the one who have looked for and look for when we arrive to an agreement with an international distributor. It is paramount that the values that keep in the National market, are the same in all the markets. By the importance that have these values for Arcusin, that anybody fall in the error to think or that do him think that for having an exporting vision can forget us of the national market.

Josep Ramón Pons, manager of Arcusin
Josep Ramón Pons, manager of Arcusin.

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