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The consumers can catar the virgin oils extra and receive information on the product

50 carritos visit more than 30.000 kilometres to approach the 'Experience of the Oils of Oliva' to million consumers

Ruth Roig Rocher11/11/2013

The past 7 November in the castiza Square of Callao, in Madrid, and under the supervision of the minister of Agriculture, Feeding and Environingingment, Miguel Arias Cañete, inaguró an only opportunity to know the Oils of Oliva and be witness of the universe of aromas, flavours and textures that offers us this so Spanish product. The image of the campaign is the cook Juan Pozuelo, that beside his team have re-created ‘The Kitchens of the World', a very miscellaneous cookbook with the Oils of Olive like element vertebrador. The inaugural campaign that has lasted until 11 November has not left indifferent to anybody. Now the carritos undertake his trip to each corner of the Spanish geography approaching the 'Experience of the Oils of Oliva' to two million people during the three years that will last the campaign.

Carritos Of the 'Experience of the Oils of Oliva' bet in the Square of Callao, in Madrid

Carritos Of the 'Experience of the Oils of Oliva' bet in the Square of Callao, in Madrid.

The Oils of Oliva go out to the street to establish a direct relation with the public. The informative action set up by the Interprofesional of the Oil of Oliva Spanish, through his mark Oils of Olive of Spain, with the support of the European Union and of the Ministry of Agriculture, Feeding and Environingingment, has opened a door in the centre of the city so that the citizens can access to the world of the Oils of Oliva and his varieties. A carp where find and discover the 'Experience for the senses' that shuts the Mediterranean product by excellence.

The government bets by this sector

The minister of Agriculture, Feeding and Environingingment, Miguel Arias Cañete, attended to the act of inaguración: “it Is a satisfaction for me assist to this new campaign of oils and try change the perception of the consumers of a product that already of by himself is exceptional”. Of the same way during his intervention ensured that “the internationalisation is an essential process and imparable for this sector” and wishing the greater success to the campaign and aspiring to that we are leaders with this basic product of the Mediterranean diet. The minister advises to the producers and manufacturers adjust the prices to the current situation with “intelligent prices” declared, and that of this way conquer the markets. The president of Asaja (Agricultural Association of Young Agriculturalists), Pedro Cheap, affirmed during his appearance that “the campaign is funded 100% by the sector of the olive oil”.

The minister of Agriculture, Feeding and Environingingment, Miguel Arias Cañete, during his speech

The minister of Agriculture, Feeding and Environingingment, Miguel Arias Cañete, during his speech.

The Week of the Oils of Oliva has created in this way a space of 250 square metres opened to all the public in the centre of the capital that, during five days, has had to his disposal a complete diary of activities with which discover the potential of our Oils of Oliva:

  • Permanent information centre
  • Exhibitions of Oils of Oliva
  • Tastings
  • Maridajes
  • Photocall dynamic and interactive
  • Activities for dinamizar the social networks
The popular cook Juan Pozuelo

The popular cook Juan Pozuelo.

The image of this campaign is the cook Juan Pozuelo that appreciates with total satisfaction his election: “from my infancy remember the olivos, the olives, is a pride like cook be the ambassador of the Oil of Oliva”.

Professionals of today and of the morning

The students of the Schools of Hospitality industry and the professionals of the sector in active are the aim of the culinary event more notable of the Week of the Oils of Oliva. The cook Juan Pozuelo, ambassador of the Oils of Oliva, directs and realizar the ‘show cooking' ‘The Kitchens of the World'. In this activity, will show how the recipes and the products that arrive us from other places of the planet improve when they are elaborated with the olive oil adapted. This maridaje to scale global goes accompanied of an introduction to the main varieties of Oils of Oliva and to his different uses in the kitchen.

In the carp of the Square of Callao that has served like stage for the celebration of the Week of the Oils of Olive has been able to discover the Drop of the Oils of Oliva, a tool that puts near at hand of the consumer the necessary information on the Oils of Oliva, his categories, his main varieties and his different utilisations. Another of the elements that has discovered the public is the Corner of the Oils of Oliva, the place of the house where have these oils to have manually all the variety that offers us the olive grove. The public assistant has been able to desgustar eight of the manufacturings of the Oil of Olive from salmorejos, macerados, salpicones until doughnuts and pestiños.

Pedro Well, president of Asaja, beside the minister Arias Cañete and the ambassador of the mark of the 'Oils of Oliva', Juan Pozuelo...

Pedro Well, president of Asaja, beside the minister Arias Cañete and the ambassador of the mark of the 'Oils of Oliva', Juan Pozuelo.

The minister Miguel Arias Cañete beside Pedro Well, visualising a promotional video on the Oil of Oliva

The minister Miguel Arias Cañete beside Pedro Well, visualising a promotional video on the Oil of Oliva.

Is now when it begins the career of the fifty carritos of the Oils of Olive that will visit along the three next years our geography, approaching to the Spaniards and to the million foreigners that visit us every year the Experiences of the Oils of Oliva. Carritos That will visit more than 30.000 kilometres by the main arteries of our cities, emblematic points of Spain or those in which the influx of international travellers was very high, like tourist zones or museums. In a first phase, the carritos will visit Madrid and Seville. To continuation, and along eight weeks, will visit the streets of Bilbao, Barcelona, Valencia and Saragossa.

Thanks to this initiative, the consumers will be able to test extra virgins monovarietales (arbequina, cornicabra, hojiblanca and picual). The carritos also will offer information of the culinary use of this only food, pillar of the ‘Mediterranean Diet'. By mobility, by his striking design and by his vicinity, the carritos of the Oils of Oliva represent an only tool to establish with the pubic a direct contact. This initiative forms part of the campaign of the Oils of Oliva, directed by the Interprofesional of the Oil of Oliva Spanish, through his mark Oils of Olive of Spain, with the collaboration of the European Union and of the Ministry of Agriculture, Feeding and Environingingment.

Madrid has given the starting signal to the more than 50 carritos of the Oil of Olive that will visit the different cities of Spain...

Madrid has given the starting signal to the more than 50 carritos of the Oil of Olive that will visit the different cities of Spain.

They exist more than 260 varieties of oils of olive in Spain, the 4 main are: Arbequina, Corniblanca, Picual and Hojiblanca.

The Oil of Oliva is an essential product of the Mediterranean Diet. The biggest olive grove of all the world is the Spanish. In him they cultivate 260 varieties of olivo different, to which has arrived after centuries of work, of adaptation, of research of the best aprovechamiento of the resources of the floor, of the water... The know do of the man has served to have of a suitable tree for each need.

Of the same form that the trees change to adapt to his surroundings, the olives of each olivo also are different. Like this, the olive grove has consolidated like one of the most versatile crops of the planet. Once collected, the olives are carried to the almazaras to extract of them his oil. The crop, the recolección, the transfer, the maduration, are only some of the variables that influence in the final result of the Oil of Oliva. In function of the characteristics of the oil extracted, will arrive to the consumer under the epigraph of some of the commercial categories in force in Europe.

The Oils of virgin Olive will be able to, besides, present in front of the final buyer with the addition of the variety of olive with which are elaborated. So much if it treats of an alone variety as if we speak of the mix of several, the knowledge of the different types of olives will put in our hand all the possibilities that the Oils of Oliva have for the gastronomy.

In the interior of the carp of the Square of Callao could taste different manufacturings applied with olive oil of arbequina, cornicabra...
In the interior of the carp of the Square of Callao could taste different manufacturings applied with olive oil of arbequina, cornicabra, picual and hojiblanca.

Oils of present Olive in the market

When the harvest of the olivo uses to elaborate oil, in the almazaras proceeds to the extraction equipment equipment of the juice of the olive. In the point of sale, the consumer of the European Union can find the following types of Oils of Oliva:

Oil of virgin olive extra

100% juice of olive with excellent characteristic of flavour and aroma. Especially indicated for uses in cold (marinados, salads, sauces, touch final of any dish), for guisos and for desserts.

Can be monovarietal (obtained of an alone variety of olive so that they can appreciate more nítidamente the sensory attributes of each variety) or coupage (mix of distinct varieties in the proportions that allow to obtain the attributes of bitterness, itching, astringencia, frutado… wished).

The oil of virgin olive extra is the natural juice of a fruit, the olive, obtained in the optimum moment of maturity and thus it possesses only sensory attributes and healthy properties because of his minoritary components.

Oil of virgin olive

100% juice of olive with good characteristics of flavour and aroma. It is indicated for the same uses that the extra virgin. All the Oils of Olive of this category proceed, in scoop, of the extraction equipment equipment of the juice of the olives by means of procedures exclusively mechanical.

To the hour to direct to the consumer, the labeling of the Oils of Virgin Olive can include information on if it treats of the juice of an alone variety of olive, by what would be in front of an Oil of Virgin Olive Monovarietal, or if, by the contrary, in the container find the combination of several Oils of Virgin Olive, forming a coupage. In both cases, the inclusion of information added on the or the varieties that form the Oil of Virgin Olive in question is a decision that belongs to the producer.

Oil of Oliva Cornicabra, one of the 4 more important of our country

Oil of Oliva Cornicabra, one of the 4 more important of our country.

From the yellow pure to the most intense green the oils of olive present a wide variety of colours according to his origin and manufacturing

Along the world find us with a sinfín of different varieties of olivo, of which obtain other so many different varieties of olives.


His oil presents a smell to frutado of olive and other fruit like apple, banana and almond. It is a very fluent oil, sweet and almost imperceptible the bitter and spicy. It is delicate in his conception and in his structure, by the low content in acid oleico and antioxidant, what does it more vulnerable in front of the oxidation, being necessary to optimise his conservation protecting it of the light, of the heat and of exposed zones to oxygenation.

The most common characteristic of these oils is his sweetness that does much more patent when the olive collects with a greater point of maduration.

The Oil of Virgin Olive Extra of the variety Arbequina results of special interest when we want to:

  • Dress foods of soft flavour, that benefit of his frutado and his fluidity.
  • Prepare salads in which the fruit have an important paper.
  • Rociar Fished whites baked or to the ironinging and accompany to vegetables baked.
  • Take advantage of his sweetness and absence of bitterness to elaborate sweet, like bizcochos, magdalenas and masses.
  • Do soft sauces, like the mahonesa.


His oils are very aromatic with frutado of olive and other fruit in which it stands out the apple, in mouth appreciate notes herbáceas of leaf of olivo, the bitter is light and the itching something more intense. Of an extraordinary stability, the oils of cornicabra present high contents in acid oleico, polifenoles and antioxidant that provide them big resistance to the oxidation at the same time that benefit his health.

The Oil of Virgin Olive Extra of the variety Cornicabra results of special interest when we want to:

  • Dress products that are able of maridar with an oil of personality.
  • Prepare raw salads, aliños and sauces, to which contributes his delicate aromas enhancing the natural flavour of the foods.
  • Provide an exquisite flavour to guisos, roasted and stews.
  • Realizar frituras, by his high content in acid oleico.
  • Accompany vegetables to the steam or baked, pickles and escabeches.
Bottles of Oil of Oliva, Arbequina

Bottles of Oil of Oliva, Arbequina.


The ones of recolección early are oils very frutados and complexes, characterise by his notes herbáceas like grass recently cut, alloza, artichoke and aromatic plants, his entrance in mouth is sweet, with a light bitterness finalising with a very located itching in the mouth.

The oil obtained of this variety presents a composition of acid oleico and antioxidant very balanced. The oil positions in an equidistant place between spicy and bitter oils and the sweetest, this does it more versatile in the distinct culinary technicians and in the maridaje.

His tasting allows us enjoy of his light sweetness and of the aromas and flavours of the cool grass and notes of green fruit.

The Oil of Virgin Olive Extra of the variety Hojiblanca results of special interest when we want to:

  • Dishes of soft flavour but with personality like eggs escalfados, pastas, carpaccios of white fish, soft vegetables estofadas or to the ironinging.
  • Creams of vegetables of firm but delicate flavours.
  • Soft salads.
  • Intense emulsions.
  • Salteados And consevas vegetal


His oil is very appreciated by his high stability, because of his high content in polifenoles and to the high percentage of acid oleico. This characteristic is very appreciated in kitchen since it bears very well the high temperatures by his high resistance to the oxidation.

From the point of view organoléptico, are oils of big personality, with a lot of body, and with high punctuation of “frutado of green olive”, appreciating in the tasting flavour to leaf of olivo, light itching and bitterness. They stand out other descriptores herbáceos that appear in elder or lower intensity, depending on the maduration of the fruit as they are green, tomato and leaf of higuera.

His high content in natural antioxidants positions it to in a privileged place, by the value added that suppose his high nutritional value, his sensory characteristics and his the high resistance to the oxidation. These same qualities do it ideal for the conservation of raw foods or cooked.

Treats of an oil with a very marked personality inside the Oils of Olive that, joined to his very high volume of production, turns it into an oil recognised in the five continents.

The Oil of Virgin Olive Extra of the variety Picual results of special interest when we want to:

  • Balance in dishes of flavour pronounced, looking for an accompaniment that conserve the flavor of the main product. An example of conclusive flavours can be guisos traditional, like the pistos, the stews of meat, the potajes of legumes or distinct types of rice.
  • Contribute flavour in foods that can suffer from of sensory characteristics stood out. Like light salads, eggs fritos or revolved, creams emulsified or carpaccios.
  • Elaborate aliños more complex like vinaigrettes of distinct flavours.
  • Realizar frituras in which we look for a big contrast between the temperature of the oil and the one of the product.
  • Macerados Of meats of hunting.
Campaign of of the 'Experience of the Oils of Oliva'

Campaign of of the 'Experience of the Oils of Oliva'.

Table of uses and characteristic, by Juan Pozuelo

  Arbequina Corniblanca Hojiblanca Picual
Aromas and Flavours

Other fruit, apple and banana fluído,sweet.

Green fruit, apple, itching. Cool grass, soft itching, almond. Frutado green, leaf of olivo tomatera, bitter, higuera
Technical recommended Raw, confectionery

Raw, Frituras short

Raw and preserves Raw, frituras and guisos

Marinados soft,

emulsions of sauces,

emulsions of cold creams,

masses of bollería and repostería

Aliños of salads, frituras soft,

masses of bakery

Aliños of soft salads, emulsions with personality and marinados of meats and blue fish

Aliños of salads, frituras of all type, especially of high temperature, macerados of meats and hunting, also

aliños of vegetables  in preserve




Macerados of fish (pickled anchovies, salmon marinado, carpaccio of seafoods, etc.)

Gazpachos and salmorejos.

Salteados of soft vegetables.

Salteados Of seafoods.

Fritos of all type:

Aliños of salpicón and dishes in crude like cebiches)

Salteados of meats and birds

Salteados of molluscs (clams, coquetas, berberechos)

Potatoes to the oven

Masses of pizza


Fruit of frying pan (crullers, doughnuts, etc.)




Macerados of strong fish (sardines, salmon, tuna)

white Garlic and strong cold cream

hot Creams (of birds and vegetal)

Salteados of vegetables.

Vegetal preserves (vegetables, olives, etc.)

Aliños of lettuce, tomato, escaroles, etc…Fritura Andalusian,Potatoes fritas,Fritura of empanados and rebozados,Guisos slow and prolonged (potajes, stews, roasted, etc)

Preserves of raw foods or cooked (chacinas cool or desecadas, cheeses, etc.)

Related Companies or Entities

Interprofesional del Aceite de Oliva

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