Pieralisi España, S.L.U. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Pieralisi España, S.L.U.
Geolit. Av. de la Innovacion, manzana 41
23620 Mengibar (Jaén) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑953284023   +34‑953280866   +34‑976466020  
🖷:  +34‑953281715
w:  www.pieralisi.es
Machinery and installations for the process of manufacturing agroalimentaria and industrial.

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Pieralisi España, S.L.U.

The constant effort in investigation and development of technologies advanced has carried to the Group Pieralisi to be indisputable leader in the supply of solutions of avant-garde for the separation by means of the use of centrifuges strength.
The attention to the needs of an international clientele and diversified has carried to the Group Pieralisi to devote human resources and specific technologies for the requirements of each customer, organising in two big divisions: Division Olive oil and Division Solve of separation.

Division Oil of Oliva

In the base of the success of Pieralisi in the market of the olive oil is the continuous experimentation with new technological solutions that allow to the customers improve constantly the performance of the olive and the quality of the oil.
An effort that begins when Pieralisi enters the first decanter for the manufacturing in continuous of the olives, revolutionising the process of the extraction equipment equipment of the olive oil, an effort that Pieralisi follows realizar at present, offering to the almazaras of all the world equipment evolved, able to direct automatically the distinct phases of manufacturing and to manage the data to ensure the trazabilidad of the product.

Division Solve of separation

The Group Pieralisi offers solutions to all class of technological problems of solid separation-liquid and solid-liquid-liquid, thanks to the big experience and to the high level of technical knowledges purchased along the years in the most important markets of centrifugadoras for industrial use.
The decantadoras and centrifugadoras vertical Pieralisi, with his wide range of capacities, employ in a big variety of areas of application, eat: Area Ecology, Chemical Area, Area Recycling, Area Oleo-chemical, Area Oils Fuels and Lubricantes, Area Products of Animal Origin, Area of foods and drunk, Area Lacto-Quesera.