Hosokawa Solids, S.L. - Dosing scales

solids system-technik

Systems of control of dosage and heavy: complete installations

Picture of Systems of control of dosage and heavy
It is so important or more the system of control of dosage and heavy that realises , that the scale and the equipment dosificador used. Thus, Solid System-Technik has of a department of automation and visualisation Scada, formed by specialists in processes of dosage and heavy.


· complete Visualisation of the process.

· Parametrisation of elements that take part in the process.

· Definition of formulate and order of work.

· Generation of historical data so much of process as of alarms.

· Connectivity with a high variety of devices.


· it Improves the productivity.

· Greater control of production of the process

· Improves of the control of quality, been due to collected of data of plant

· Trazabilidad of the productive process