Topavi - Olives and dried fruits harvesters


Recolectores Of nuts: they clean the almonds at the same time of his collected

Picture of Recolectores Of nuts
The recolectores of nuts manufactured by Machinery Garrido go instrumented with vibrator; peladora; automatic download by sinfín (an alone operario) and tank of oil incorporated in the hopper.

They go joined up directly to the three points of the tractor and to the cardán. They offer a kit of elevation for elder heaved during the download of the fruit; vibration multidireccional and hopper with capacity for some 450 kg.

The minimum power of tractor is of 70 CV, simple traction and his operation is by means of Joystick.

Also they are apt for the recolección of olivo young, by means of the incorporation of a kit olive.