Zanon - Vibrators and shakers for harvesting

Zanon Murciélago AL200, AL300, AS 155

Recolectores Electrical: machines of professional use

Picture of Recolectores Electrical
The recolector Murcielago continuous with the evolution of Zanon in the harvest of olives thanks to the numerous studies realised. It possesses technical characteristics inigualables as they are his capacity of recolección, his low level of rumorosidad and the little damage that effects to the plant.

Murcielago Is manufactured in ergal, aluminium and tecnopolímero. It has a system of transmission with hermetical box built in special alloy, with gears built in special steel lubrificados and mounted on armoured threads, what guarantees a big length. Has a power of 600 W, with double apt speed for the recolección of green and mature olives. Fingers in fibre of carbon of 4,5 mm of thickness.

The recolector Murcielago joins up to the battery Drive, that thanks to his electronics equipment dealers equipment dealers, with system of control of load of the active battery guarantee an optimum operation of the same along his life. The electrical engine is of the type “brushless”.

Available in 2 models. System of recolección with asymmetric opposite sectors with twist in the same sense. Box of gears entirely sealed.

Extensible perches with system antirotación and system of unblock fast.