Bosco Ibérica - Olives and dried fruits harvesters

Bosco BVM F.802

Recogedora Of polyvalent olives: with a width of work of 150 cm

Picture of Recogedora Of polyvalent olives

Agro-industrial Group Layer commercialises the recogedora of olives BVM F.802, of the Italian signature Bosco. With motricidad hydrostatic 4x4, allows a collected constant, increasing or diminishing the speed of advance by means of an only crowbar.

An important characteristic of the BVM F.802 it is the greater length of his brushes, with the purpose to optimise the collected even with the presence of loose stones.

The recogedor is formed by six brushes lamelares with regulator of revolutions, and accompanied of a box transportadora of stainless steel with system of oscillating arms, that allow the recolección even in terrains with throw off balance, grass, or in presence of olives previously planted in rows with motosweepers.

The BMV F.802 it is endowed of an arm elevator with double articulation, that allows the download of the olives collected to a height of 230 cm directly on the trailer or on the seleccionadora. The box basculante measures 155 x 70 cm of diameter.

The recogedora presents a width of work of 150 cm, with accionamiento hydrostatic 4x4 accionado by one levies. The engine is of 4 cylinders 37 HP refrigerated by water, the commandos are a pedal for the elevation of the arm and a joystick.

The performance is of 2.000 to 2.200 kg / hour. The dimensions of the machine are 3,80 m of long, 1,90 m of width and a height of 130 cm.

Also it is projected like polyvalent machine, thanks to fast connections that allow the desenganche of the recolector and the aplñicación of other accessories

It is a polyvalent machine since by means of stick them fast the recogedor desengancha and can stick different accessories like the barredora of 180 cm, forks, bars of cut, loaders shovels, etc.