Talleres Corbins, S.L. - Pneumatic pruners

Pneumatics accessories for the poda: for compressesors of poda

Picture of Pneumatics accessories for the poda
Apart from the wide range of pneumatics compressesors for the poda, Workshops Corbins has of a big variety of pneumatics accessories to join up to the same. Like this, it has several models of scissors of poda, according to the type of tree to podar, with distinct diameters of cutting (28, 35, 40 and 58 m); pneumatics saws of 8 or 10; platens of two hands for the recolección of olives and enrolladores of manual or automatic hose with capacities of 100, 150 and 200 m of wire. To all the models can them join up alargaderas fixed or telescopic, according to the needs of each user.