Multiscan Technologies, S.L. - Othe equipment for manufacture olive oil

X20V B65 Aceituna

Machine for the detection of bones in pitted and possible olives contaminantes: built in stainless steel and polymeric materials of alimentary quality

Picture of Machine for the detection of bones in pitted and possible olives contaminantes
The model X20V B65 Olive is a machine for the detection of bones in pitted and possible olives contaminantes.

Between his characteristics stand out:

Built in stainless steel and polymeric materials of alimentary quality.

Transport on band acanalada moved by a mototambor.

System composed by generator and sensor of X-rays.

Electronics equipment dealers equipment dealers in tight picture climatizado.

Controlled by an alone PC in surroundings Windows.

System of pneumatics expulsion in three exits.

Adapted for all type of olives pitted of calibrate between 160 and 400 f/kg.

Possibility of remote connection by means of the Option of communications.

Ease and versatilidad in the handle on tactile screen.

Production estimated in 4000 kg by hour.

It detects 97% olives with bone or badly pitted.

It detects metals, stones, glasses, bones, dense plastics and other contaminantes.