Talleres Corbins, S.L. - Pesticide equipment


Hydraulics bars: for the application of herbicide

Picture of Hydraulics bars
Workshops Corbins has of an extensive range of models of hydraulics bars for the application of herbicide in plantations of frutales, citrus fruit, olivos, almendros, viñedos, etc. These machines go joined up to the leading part of the tractor with which has of a wide and total vision of what is doing . The regulation of the height and the width of work regulates hidráulicamente, independently a side of the another.

Besides in as which models can regulate the inclination of the screen of treatment from 90° in the top to 45° in the inferior part. Each screen of treatment goes instrumented with a retractable dock of hygiene. Besides they have of diverse types of screens: normal screen, protection antideriva for screen of treatment and protection in fibres of polipropileno, which go placed around the screen of application, exist four dimensions of 35 cm, 60 cm, 80 cm and 1 m.

They have of diverse models in function of the freamers of plantation, that vary of 2 m to 3,50 m for viñedos, of 3 to 5 m in frutales or in other types of crops until 7 m of work.

Also it can substitute one of the screens of application by diverse accessories to give a greater utility to the team, as it can be a disk segador (for ecological crops) or a barredora for rests of poda.