Euspray by Eurospray Spray and Filter Technology, S.L. - Oil strainer


Filters and filters: for the oil sector, of the oil, natural gas and of production of power

Picture of Filters and filters
The filters autolimpiantes of Eurospray use to filter the oil in a part of the plant that produces soybean oil.

These filters have to fulfil with the normative Atex (Zone 2, and in the accessories of filter in the zone 1) in the case that the environingingment of work was of explosive development of processing of gas.

The filters can go instrumented with special accessories according to the surroundings in which they have to operate and the liquid to filter.

They can you design and manufacture filters autolimpiantes special to filter water of destined sea to the refrigeration or other applications in the platforms of extraction equipment equipment.

Can find also a big a number of filters pulverizadoras and sprayers pneumatics, where there is a need to reduce the temperature or the humidity go in in the pipes through which circulates the gas.

In the zones desérticas, where the presence of sand will be irreversiblemente damaging the lines of high tension, the filters use for the wash of high pressesure of the insulation.

They install in fixed locations, with the dimensions and suitable placing, powdering water desmineralizada.

The wash of insulation guarantees the suitable step of the electrical power, avoiding inconvenient bass because of the presence of sand.

In a plant or head office of hydroelectric power, where the water is used to drain the turbines of the lake, there was a strong presence of foam and a growth of seaweeds because of the temperature. It built a system to delete the foam with the filters of full cone of Eurospray and fed by freshwater, which was filtered previously with a series of filters autolimpiantes of the model MF, finding like this a solution of the problem.

Systems combined of filters of full cone and of Filters Autolimpiantes, are increasingly used for the cooling of the hydroelectric turbines.