Zanon - Other self-propelled farm equipment

Zanon ZL500

Electronic binding: with a tied top speed to 60 per minute

Picture of Electronic binding
The electronic binding ZL500 are five times faster than the attached manual. This translates into a reduction of labor and an increase in profit.

You can use different threads: standard thread in plastic, biodegradable paper-based and biodegradable plastic thread. It can be used in the bundle of any crops or plantations, given his tension tied variable system: 3 laps is normal, 7 laps is middle and 11 turns is very strained.

It has been developed to work in any type of weather conditions, and can be used up to temperatures of - 8 ° C. Its ergonomic shape is specially designed so that it can handle properly, avoiding possible injury as tendinitis, muscle problems, etc.Binding maximum diameter is 30 mm, with a length of thread by tying 14,5 cm.Binding maximum diameter is 30 mm, with a length of thread by tying 14.5 tied cm.por of 14.5 cm. The handle is ready for use it both right-handed and left-handed.