C.R.D.O. Montoro-Adamuz - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
C.R.D.O. Montoro-Adamuz
Alto Guadalquivir, 6
14430 Adamuz (Córdoba) Spain
☎:  +34‑957166013   +34‑647552357  
🖷:  +34‑957166013
w:  montoro-adamuz.com

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C.R.D.O. Montoro-Adamuz

In such study, values of polyphenols exceeding twice the monovarietal oils of the Picual variety, thanks to the native variety Nevadillo black and edafoclimaticas.s conditions very important health have been obtained.

In such study, values of polyphenols exceeding twice the monovarietal oils of the Picual variety, thanks to the native variety Nevadillo black and edapho climatic conditions have been obtained.
In the same way, Olivier of the geographical area of the c saw edaphoclimatic conditions Montoro-Adamuz, forced a stressful situation in the olive tree, which results in an increase in the concentration of phenolic content.single variety Picual olive, is traditionally considered the most stable along with the cornicabra variety oils in the same shape, olivar de sierra of the geographical area of the DO edaphoclimatic conditions Montoro-Adamuz, forced a stressful situation in the olive tree, which results in an increase in the concentration of phenolic content. Acidic and shallow soils unique in Andalusia, accented by the conditions of water stress of the olive groves in the region, joined the practices of early pickups impinging on the high content of polyphenols of oils.

This result is, than DO oils Montoro-Adamuz present major contents in polyphenols with respect to other oils produced in other areas, mainly of Picual, and front to which it differs. This fact allows you to endorse the great chemical stability of oils from Montoro-Adamuz, feature which historically have been recognized at these olive oil extra virgin of this region.