C.R.D.O. Sierra de Segura - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
C.R.D.O. Sierra de Segura
Pol. Ind. Llanos de Armija Edificio José Bautista de La Torre
23360 La Puerta de Segura (Jaén) Spain
☎:  +34‑953486063  
🖷:  +34‑953486063
w:  www.dosierradesegura.com
Protected designation of origin regulatory board

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C.R.D.O. Sierra de Segura

The designation of origin Sierra de Segura is a historical designation dating back to early 1979, date which is provisionally its regulatory board.

It was the farmaceutico-bromatologo segureño Jose Bautista de la Torre who began to characterize the oils of the Sierra de Segura, in two different slopes but you clubhouse; on the one hand, their involvement in the health and vigor of mountain society eminently agricultural and consumer exclusive of olive oil, on the other hand, chemical and sensory peculiarities. All this, he obtained a clear conclusion, the need to protect and recognise the oils of the Sierra de Segura, for its quality and genuine sensory characters, was linked to the environment in which they are produced. Olive groves of high mountains with altitudes of more than 900 meters, with scarce, poor and very shallow soil formed on many occasions by the unique decomposition of the mother rock, combined with a fairly irregular climate, producing enough ups and downs of temperatures and precipitation average annual superior to the average of the province of Jaén, give rise to a microclimate, that still produce the picual variety oils, majority and almost exclusively in the province of Jaén, is the area of the Sierra de Segura, in which characters typical of the varietal personality, shown especially generously.

Thus, in 1993 by the order of November 4, the Ministry of agriculture recognizes it definitely and creates a mandatory regulation to safeguard and defend the quality of oils produced in this olive-growing region. Finally, in 1996 the European Union gives maximum protection that exists for a European foodstuff, the hallmark of protected designation of origin.