Amenduni Ibérica, S.A. (Grupo Valbruna) - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Amenduni Ibérica, S.A. (Grupo Valbruna)
Huelma, parcela 19 - Pol. Ind. Olivares
23009 Jaén Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑953281315  
🖷:  +34‑953280238
Manufacture of machinery and equipment for the sector oleico. Almazaras

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Amenduni Ibérica, S.A. (Grupo Valbruna)

Strategically situated in the centre-south of Spain, the producing elder of olive oil, AMENDUNI IBERICA SA is guarantee of a solid and continued presence in this country.

The company is situated in Jaén, door of Andalucia, and commissions of the management of the greater existent market in the world inside the sector oleícola. Cientos Of installations Amenduni mounted in Spain are attended in scoop by this headquarters, through which, marries it mother extends his program of performances.

The Spanish market constitutes today day the bank of proofs of thousands of machines of high capacity; the volume of production reached, in contínuo growth, and the frantic rhythm of work typical of the campaign oleícola, causes the demand of high performances of extraction equipment equipment and of a maximum reliability.

Amenduni Keeps and reinforces his leadership in this sector thanks to the high provision reached and to the inigualable service of technical assistance offered.