Hasco Ibérica Normalizados, S.L.U. - Altres equips complementaris per a motlles

Z3600/... /S

Removable cores: they allow significant reductions of the time of cycle

Picture of Removable cores
The desmoldeo of the outlines and the inner threads of the moulds has supposed always a challenge regarding the instrumental technician. By this reason, Hasco offers for this field of application the removable core Z3600 like special finishing individualizado for each customer. The range presents individual sizes comprised between diameters of 12 and 200 mm with different clear-cut lengths by the career. They have fixed some staggered prices more than attractor trucks especially for the applications in multiple cavities.

Thanks to his design, the removable core Z3600 is able of desmoldear of radial form roughly 12% of the inner diameter of the article. Besides, the segments fit in parallel with the length of the piece, attaining like this a separation of 90° of the muescas giratorias. Of this way, is possible to do without the edges of desmoldeo.

The compact construction and the definition of the outline can optimise of a lot of ways, as well as adapt to the different circumstances of the work with the tool.

On request of the customer and in function of the requirements, the six segments that confer form to the mould will be able to be, for example, mechanised, recorded with laser, recorded in outline, or will be able to recubrir his surface in the guide of prisms and the zone of the outline. The elementary components, the concept of construction and the basic functions will not see affected in no case.

Said reductions achieve thanks to a special treatment of temperate of the central core and to the distances of desmoldeo short of each one of the segments. The technician of multiple components, the channel of smelting and the configuration in sections see favoured by the introduction of these removable cores.

Thanks to the control forced of the segments guided attains a high hygiene during the process, even in the fast processes, without that this have to depend on an elastic strength little safe. The homogeneity or, more specifically, the precision of repetition of each one of the moulds of injection, also sees guaranteeed thanks to these sophisticated technical. Because of his construction, other concepts based in designs with docks do not attain these aims.