Hasco Ibérica Normalizados, S.L.U. - Altres components per a injectors

Hasco Z330/…

Countersunk screws: for thermal insulation plates

Picture of Countersunk screws
HASCO countersunk screws six internal lobed (Torx) Z330 /... guarantees optimal power transmission. Small thread sizes have been adapted in particular to heat insulation plates Z121 /..., Z1212... and Z1213/...del manufacturer of standard.

It happens particularly in the smaller screw sizes, such as those used to secure thermal insulation, that the surface of the faucet will deteriorate quickly. Until now, it was in this case, necessary to unscrew the screws, which required a lot of effort.

Using the screw countersunk Z330... This can be avoided reliably, since the heads of the screws Torx geometry transferred a couple of vertical force and more. Despite the high level of absorption of torque, you can avoid this way the deterioration of the surface of the key. Effective Assembly contributes greatly to reduce the costs of tools.

The combination of the production of screws countersunk with a better thermal insulation offers the user an optimal and practical solution to increase the useful life of the tools.