Spain Crane International, S.L. - Carros, elevadores y pinzas para vidrio


Suckers: for arm robotizado or section of feather of cranes Unic

Picture of Suckers
The windy multigiro mount in the head of the mini cranes Unic in the supports of nibs. They allow to glaze in any angle and, depending on the capacity and feather of the minigrúa, to any height.

These equipment are totally autonomous by what can extract of the minigrúa and work with the normal wire of the minigrúa or join up the sucker to other equipment.

The capacity of this sucker, allows him glaze anything, from glasses of big dimensions with total precision until cúpulas from the interior.

The movements of basculación lateral and inclination by screw endless, allow to adjust of form milimétrica the piece thanks to the feather yla precision of the minigrúa.