Kineo Ingeniería del tráfico, S.L. - Básculas puente


System of platforms for industries carroceras: weight by axis or by wheel

Picture of System of platforms for industries carroceras
Kineo Has of multiple solutions for the needs of weighing of the companies carroceras, basically centred in the calculation of the distribution of loads of face to the process of homologations of Industry and the test of hygiene, as for example in the case of the coaches.

They offer weighing by axis and weighing by wheel, according to the particular needs of each carrocero, and portable configurations or systems bedded with a small civil work. Regarding the management of the data of weighing have of indicators to visualise the data in the screen, the option to print it in format ticket or connect the scale to a computer and integrate the data of weighing in an application of the customer or with a software developed by Kineo to measure of the needs of the customer.

The weight by axis or by wheel is a system composed by 2 platforms R-10 with rampas of entrance/gone out in aluminium. Optionally also it can pose the bedded of the system to ras of floor.

The platforms of weighing are a structure in steel reinforced with protection in painting of poliuretano antideslizante and extra protection of the cells of load to warn damages by slide. The metrology consists in 4 cells of load in stainless steel of the type SBC with an IP 67. The system connects with the indicator by means of an armoured wire by platform and fast connectors. The length of the cables is of 10 metres. The calibración typical is of 10 t/5 kg by wheel (20 t/10 kg by axis). It exists the possibility of calibración until 30 t by axis.

In occasions can be convenient bed the system to ras of floor to avoid have to deploy the way of rodadura. It will be the case of installations where do not require really move the scale of an installation to another with frequency and in which it have thought in a portable system to avoid the civil work that usually involves a scale bridge, or treat of a ship in rent, or directly there is not place to situate a scale bridge.

The throw to install the platforms in a frame does not prevent to withdraw them at night by reasons of hygiene or even transport them to weigh in another location with help of some calzos, for example. This system is more economic that the scale with way of rodadura and in a lot of occasions can be the indicated.

Regarding the necessary civil work, when treating of platforms that measure 4 cm of height, the frame or cradle that lodges them the very light and only requires to deepen some 10-12 cm in the floor to install it. It is therefore an incomparable work with any another system of weighing fixed.