Kineo Ingeniería del tráfico, S.L. - Básculas puente

System of weighing for trucks dumper: of big tonelaje

Picture of System of weighing for trucks dumper
In the big civil works, in mines and quarries, in salineras, etc, use “trucks dumper” of big dimensions that can load until 500 t or more with alone two axles. With frequency is necessary to know the load of the vehicle, by means of platforms that can displace as it advances the work. These platforms of weighing, that weigh until 10 t designate “portables”.

It is a system of weighing transportable, no portable, that weighs the vehicle axis by axis, to the step, and sum the weights of the two axles giving the total weight of the vehicle. If it has weighed the vehicle in empty (tara) will be able to give the total weight of the load.

Values to weigh:

Weight of the vehicle to full load: until 500 t roughly.

Total weight of hygiene of the system: until 600 t.

The system of weighing varies with the capacity and the application.

The System is constituted by:

2 platforms of weighing.

4 plates gone in / exit.

1 cabinet of control.

2 cables of connection to platforms.

1 cabinet - indicator for weighing dynamic.