Multispindle drilling machine VITAP ALFA 21 - C3217 VITAP

Marca:  VITAP
Precio:  5.000 EUR

Technical characteristics
Semi-automatic multispindle drilling machine 21 spindlesDistance between chucks : 32 mmDistance between first and last chuck : 640 mmMax. drilling depth : 70 mmPneumatic 90° tilting of drilling unitCast-iron table 864 x 500 mmMax. workpiece dimensions : 800 x 3000 mm2.5 hp motor2 pneumatic pressersRuler 3 stopsCycle start with foot pedalCompressed air required : 6-8 bars

Power and Motors
Voltage: 400 VPluging: Three-phased

Overall dimensions
Weight: 300 Kg
Localización:  Nevers
País:  Francia
Estado:  Segunda mano
Actualizado:  3/23/2025 7:52:01 AM
Referencia cliente:  C3217
Multispindle drilling machine VITAP ALFA 21 - C3217Multispindle drilling machine VITAP ALFA 21 - C3217Multispindle drilling machine VITAP ALFA 21 - C3217Multispindle drilling machine VITAP ALFA 21 - C3217Multispindle drilling machine VITAP ALFA 21 - C3217

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  2. Otros equipos de perforación de superficie | Segunda mano Multispindle drilling machine VITAP ALFA 21 - C3217 VITAP usado en venta

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unimac uniholz
Technical characteristics · Magazine for automatic hinge distributionMulti-spindle head (2 spindles 50 mm apart + 1 central spindle 36 mm in diameter)Worktop with 5 aluminum profilesWorktop dimensions : 2500 x 600 mm10 pneumatic stops + cylinder with 4 stopsStop action via front-mounted controlsCycle start via foot pedal · Power and Motors · Voltage: 380 VPluging: Three-phased · Overall dimensions · Lenght: 2500 mmWidth: 1000 mm ... Leer más
3.000 EUR
Technical characteristics · Semi-automatic 13-spindle multi-spindle drilling machineDistance between chucks : 32 mmCenter distance between first and last chuck : 384 mmMax. drilling depth : 75 mmSpindle speed : 2800 rpmCast-iron table 600 x 400 mmMax. workpiece dimensions : 600 x 3000 mm1.5 hp motor1 vertical pneumatic presserCycle start with foot pedalOperating pressure 6 bars · Power and Motors · Voltage: 380 VPluging: Three-phasedPower: 2 KwMotor: 1,5 CV · Overall dimensions · Lenght: 750 mmWidth: 560 mmHeight: 1200 mmWeight: 160 Kg ... Leer más
2.800 EUR
Technical characteristics · multi-spindle drilling head (7)3-axis manual orientablestroke 125 mm4 manual length stopspneumatic cycle pedal controlworktop height 900 mmCaractéristiques-perçagePneumatical adjusting cyclesPedal command · Power and Motors · Power: 2.2 Kw · Overall dimensions
3.200 EUR
Technical characteristics · 4-head CN drilltransfer at the end of the tenonercan be part of a production chain · Power and Motors · Overall dimensions
15.000 EUR
biesse comil rbo
Technical characteristics · Single column unloader with suction cups. It is suitable for unloading in machining lines requiring machines with reduced dimensions.BODY OF THE MACHINEThe machine is composed of a vertical column, a horizontal bracket fixed to the carriage, a carriage fixed to the bracket and a suction cup holder frame unit. The carriage slides on linear guides equipped with ball bearings and is driven by a gear motor controlled by a frequency variator.SUCTION CUPS PANEL COLLECTION GROUPIt consists of a suction cups row containing 10 suction cups with bellows to facilitate the separation of the panel. Suction cup diameter of 95 mm. The suction cups are operated by a vacuum pump with a flow rate of 22 m3/h.ELECTRICAL CABINETThe machine is equipped with a separate electrical cabinet, managed by a PLC operating logic.PROTECTIONS FOR THE PREVENTION OF WORK ACCIDENTSThe machine is protected on all the action perimeter of the suction cups group by protective panels. The battery insertion area is protected by a grid with button opening.DIMENSIONS OF THE WORKABLE PANELS :Length: 320 to 2700 mmWidth : 250 to 700 mmThickness : 12 to 50 mmMaximum weight : 50 kg Pneumatic brake idler roller LOAD TRANSFER IN SINGLE LONGITUDINAL ROWTransfer of introduction with inclined rollers to the left, covered in PVC. The rollers are driven by small belts activated by a gear motor under the control of a speed variator. The transfer is also equipped with a left hand guide adjustable by handwheel.StructureThe structure is made of welded steel, reinforced to ensure maximum stability and precision during the operating phases.Work surfaceThe worktop is made up of a transfer in four independent sections.The first section includes :An input transfer with flat belts driven by an asynchronous motor controlled by a frequency converterThe second and third sections (drilling planes) each include:A belt transfer with: flat belts driven by asynchronous motor controlled by frequency converterA lateral reference guide, installed on the left side of the machine, with lateral stop function Pneumatic end stops for the positioning of right and left panelsA lateral presser guide to guide and clamp panels of different widths against the lateral reference stop.The fourth section includes:a belt transfer for the evacuation of the panels with :flat belts driven by asynchronous motor controlled by frequency checker.Machining centerThe first center consists of a mobile carriage along the X axis on which two independent drilling heads are installed along the Y and Z axes.Each drilling head is composed as follows:In the X direction, 10 independent vertical chucksIn the direction of the Y axis, 9 independent vertical mandrelsThe second center consists of a mobile carriage along the X axis on which two independent drilling heads are installed along the Y and Z axes.Each drilling head is composed as follows:In the X direction, 10 independent vertical chucksIn the Y direction, 9 independent vertical spindles.Each operating head is suitable for the installation of an additional operating unit to be chosen as an optionAxis movementsPrecision linear guides with circulating ball bearings and brushless motors for X,Y,Z axes.Rectified helical rack coupled to two pinions to allow the recovery of the play along the X axis.Hardened and ground ball screw (Y,Z axis).Pneumatic balancing device (Z axis) of the drilling unit.Numerical controlXNC model based on PC platform and Multitask Real-Time operating systemAutomatic centralized lubrication system.At each adjustable time interval by numerical control the lubricant is automatically sent to all linear guides and ball screws.MOTORIZED ROLLER CONVEYOR WITH TRACKSThe conveyor consists of a structure made of aluminium profiles. On this structure are mounted the rollers, covered in PVC and motorized by means of a shaft that transmits the movement to the rollers via appropriate tracks. The motorization takes place through a gear motor under the control of a variable speed drive.Automatic drilling and threading machine with numerical control and two machining centersStructureThe two end beams are made of welded steel to ensure stability and precision during the machining operations, the transport system is made of aluminum profiles.Work surfaceThe working plane is composed by a transport system with 4 sectionsThe first section consists ofA retractable entry transferFlat belts driven by an asynchronous motor with variable speed managed by frequency converterThe second and third sections are the machining areas and consist ofCalibrated roller transfer driven by an asynchronous motor with variable speed managed by frequency converterLateral reference guide positioned on the left side of the machinePneumatic retractable end stops for the positioning of the panels to be machinedLateral pushers able to block against the reference guide panels of different widthsVertical presses to ensure the position of the panels during the machining operations.The fourth section consists of:A retractable output transferFlat belts driven by an asynchronous motor with variable speed managed by frequency converterMovement of the axesHigh precision linear guides with circulating ball bearings, brushless motors for the Y and Z axesHardened and ground recirculating ball screws for the Y and Z axesThread rolling and gluing unitConfigured for feeding and gluing 8mm dowels, composed of :Vibrating bowlAnti-noise coverDevice for detecting lack of trunnionsHigh pressure pump for glue feedingElectronic control devices and specific softwareAutomatic centralized lubrication system.Lubricant is automatically sent to all linear guides and ball screws at each programmable time interval by digital control.Single column unloader with suction cups. It is suitable for unloading in machining lines requiring machines with reduced dimensions.BODY OF THE MACHINEThe machine is composed of a vertical column, a horizontal bracket fixed to the carriage, a carriage fixed to the bracket and a suction cup holder frame group. The carriage slides on linear guides equipped with ball bearings and is driven by a gear motor controlled by a frequency variator.SUCTION CUPS PANEL COLLECTION GROUPIt consists of a suction cups row containing 10 suction cups with bellows to facilitate the separation of the panel. Suction cup diameter of 95 mm. The suction cups are operated by a vacuum pump with a flow rate of 22 m3/h.ELECTRICAL CABINETThe machine is equipped with a separate electrical cabinet, managed by a PLC operating logic.PROTECTIONS FOR THE PREVENTION OF WORK ACCIDENTSThe machine is protected on all the action perimeter of the suction cups group by protective panels. The battery insertion area is protected by a grid with button opening. · Power and Motors · Overall dimensions ... Leer más
29.000 EUR
Technical characteristics · Power and Motors · Voltage: 380 VPluging: Three-phasedPower: 1,5 KwMotor: 2 CV · Overall dimensions · Lenght: 1200 mmWidth: 1250 mmHeight: 1650 mmWeight: 350 Kg
4.500 EUR
Technical characteristics · Power and Motors · Voltage: 400 VPluging: Three-phased · Overall dimensions · Lenght: 1142 mmWidth: 800 mmHeight: 1140 mmWeight: 300 Kg
5.500 EUR
Technical characteristics · Power and Motors · Voltage: 380 VPluging: Three-phasedPower: 2 KwMotor: 2,5 CV · Overall dimensions · Lenght: 800 mmWidth: 900 mmHeight: 2000 mm
2.500 EUR
Technical characteristics · Semi-automatic multispindle drilling machine 21 spindlesDistance between chucks : 32 mmDistance between first and last chuck : 640 mmMax. drilling depth : 70 mmPneumatic 90° tilting of drilling unitCast-iron table 864 x 500 mmMax. workpiece dimensions : 800 x 3000 mm2.5 hp motor2 pneumatic pressersRuler 3 stopsCycle start with foot pedalCompressed air required : 6-8 bars · Power and Motors · Voltage: 400 VPluging: Three-phased · Overall dimensions · Weight: 300 Kg ... Leer más
5.000 EUR

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