Maquinser, S.A. - Centres de mecanitzat d'alta velocitat

Matsuura MAM72-63V

Centre of mechanised vertical of 5 axles: especially adapted to the car and aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing industries

Picture of Centre of mechanised vertical of 5 axles

Matsuura Machinery Corporation Has remodelled entirely the centre of mechanised vertical of 5 axles, MAM72-63V.

The centre of mechanised vertical of 5 axles Matsuura, series MAM72 allows the “flexible menu of manufacturing”, “several types of flexible production” and “long periods of operation no assisted”, reaching an integration of process and a complicated mechanised of high precision through a mechanised of 5 axles in an alone tie up, in particular, in car industries, aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing and of medical equipments.

In terms of functionality and provision, the route of the axis Z has been extended until 600 mm (+50 mm) and the movements of the axis To until -120° +120° (+ 20°) [with a PC: -120° + 30° (+ 30°)], which has allowed the mechanised of the most complicated pieces. Besides, the area of mechanised has been expanded, what has allowed to mechanise irregular pieces of until 800 mm of diameter (under determinate conditions).

Further of this, all the advances of the axles X/And/Z have been increased until 60m/min (20% more) and the time of no mechanised has reduced .

On the other hand, through the utilisation of a system of servotransmisión with a cambiador of tool type drum, the time of indexado of tool has reduced (60% global), and the noise and the vibration of the cambiador ATC has been minimised.

Besides, the incorporation of the thermal sensors sensors Meister (a thermal sensors system of compensation of trip for the husillo and the axles) like standard and using several options like the ATC dilatable, APC, etc. allow a long period of operation no assisted.

The MAM72-63V incorporates the characteristics of the MAM72-63V such as:

Table type 4th/5th of high speed, high precision and high exclusive rigidity of Matsuura Area of interference minimised because of a structure of exclusive machine for the mechanised of 5 Double axles access to the interior of the machine for the operario and some sides of the machine that allow a good operating capacity,

System APC with arm of fast twist (slope of patent) foreseen for saving of space and Door of the APC in shape of X (slope of patent) and a cover deslizante in shape of W for the gestión of shavings.

From 1991, around 800 machining centres of these series have been supplied to companies world-wide leaders and subcontractors.

The performance of the current MAM72-63V has been reviewed entirely to achieve a higher productivity that the machining centres comparative.

Now, this MAM72-63V of second generation has made possible to fulfil with the big needs of the customers.

It has rediseñado the MAM72-63V to manufacture the MAM72-63V, so that it possess an excellent functionality and a more attractor trucks appearance.