Industrias Mecánicas Nafer, S.L. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Industrias Mecánicas Nafer, S.L.
Lluis Millet, 65-67
08950 Esplugues de Llobregat (Barcelona) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑933711020   +34‑933711358  
🖷:  +34‑934730870
Mechanisation and setting of machinery and toolings

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Industrias Mecánicas Nafer, S.L.

Mechanical industries Nafer, S.L. It is a company devoted from his foundation (1975) to the mechanisation and setting of machinery and toolings with design typical of the customer (if the customer requests it, does him the design and the construction under request expresses).

Realise mechanisations in boring mills, machining centres, lathes of numerical control, parallel lathes, milling machines universal, interior grinding machines and exterio-animal, machines to cut gears and poleas toothed, mills mother and fellos, broaching machines, chaveteros, machines of taladrar, adjust and welding, as well as the corresponding settings.

The company has of a capacity of design of 600 monthly hours, by técnicoscualificados in the development and project of machinery.

The capacity of production situates between 5.000 and 6.000 monthly hours of construc-ción and setting, with skilled personnel, that has an installation of machine-ria of precision and adapted in each speciality of mechanisation, verification and mount-je.

The surface of which has the company, is of 1.500 m². With installation of bridges crane of until a weight of 6 t., with a staff of:

  • 3 Technicians.
  • 1 Programmer Car Cad Version 14 and Version 2.000 + program Taylor.
  • 22 Operarios qualified.
  • 2 Labourers.

Mechanical industries Nafer fulfils with the rule of quality ISO 9002, and possesses a galardón "Advances Quality Awards" (AQVA) awarded by Advance Business & Communication.