IDEKO, S.Coop. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
IDEKO, S.Coop.
Arriaga Kalea, 2
20870 Elgoibar (Gipuzkoa) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑943748000  
🖷:  +34‑943743674
Technological centre in machine-tool

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

IDEKO, S.Coop.

Ideko Is a technological centre specialised in technologies of manufacture and industrial production integrated in the Technological Alliance IK4.
The activity reaches the identification and the analysis of opportunities, the design and development of products, lines of business and productive processes and the resolution of problems by means of the provision of technological services like technical quality consultancy or services based in equipment.
caracterízan By the scientific excellence developed in his 8 lines of investigation:
Processes of Transformation
Dynamic Intelligent
Software and Control
Design Mechanical
Inspection and Measured
Management of the Production

Strategic innovation, that constitute the vertebral column of the centre, oriented to improve his specialisation. They are keys in the development of the strategy of specialisation of Ideko-IK4, offer an integral solution in technologies of manufacture and industrial production and contribute the necessary balance to transfer to the company the results of the investigation from the generation of the knowledge.

The own organisational model favours the work interdisciplinar and take care of special form the qualification and the professional development of the staff.

They have installations and equipment of last generation and bet by the work colaborativo through the establishment of a wide network of connections with centres of reference to international level.

The installations are endowed of two workshops of prototypes, experimental space of development and essay of machines and systems of production and the following laboratories:
-    of Ultra precision,
-    of Systems of Measure,
-    of Essay of Components,
-    a laboratory Laser and
-    a laboratory for the study of the Materials Composite.

In Ideko-IK4 endow to the companies of technological solutions diferenciadoras that allow them improve his competitvidad. They have of a model of flexible collaboration that adapts to all type of customer: from the punctual provision of technological services until the establishment of plans plurianuales of R&D.

Fruit of the work of investigation have arrived to have a wide number of technologies developed concretised in other so many patents to national and international level. Through these 25 years of experience, Ideko-IK4 has develop crowd of projects of diverse scope and envergadura in the different stages of the chain of R&D.