Ferg, S.L. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Ferg, S.L.
Av. Mas Gali 8 - Pol. Ind. Mas Gali
08503 Gurb (Barcelona) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑938833252  
🖷:  +34‑938856556
w:  www.ferg.es
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NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Ferg, S.L.

FERG today has the strong will and, more importantly, the business resources to continue expanding within its sector, opening new markets, growing production and improving supply and service. Because FERG has some industrial assets that lie in an unbeatable position of advantage: firstly, a professional team of experienced, qualified and valuable human, fully identified with the objectives and the corporate culture of the company. Secondly, extensive experience in a productive field in which the accumulated knowledge (or "Know how") is an element of utmost importance, as well as industrial infrastructure of great organization and high specialization, which boasts the most advanced technological equipment of last generation; Thirdly a product with high reliability, showing day by day their competitiveness, subjected to tougher efforts in industrial mechanization of greater engagement processes; and finally what FERG has the greatest importance: the confidence and fidelity of hundreds of companies distributed throughout the five continents, Thanks to which the FERG tools work at full capacity in the sectors of productive activity. Thanks to these industrial assets, FERG today has the optimal resources to follow true to its founding commitment: deliver exceptional quality.