
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Gardena lanza dos nuevos sopladores para un control completo de las hojas y otros residuos en el jardín

Gardena Launches two new blowers for a complete control of the leaves and another waste in the garden


10 August 2012

For an use during all the year, so much in the interior (garage, workshop, etc.) as in the outside (grasses cut, straw, cobwebs, earth, dust, gravel, small waste, etc.) but especially, in front of the arrival of the autumn and the fall of the leaves, the blowers turn into a practical and indispensable mate to help us in all the tasks of cleaning and maintenance. Like novelty of the autumn 2012, Gardena complement his wide range of machinery devoted to the lovers of the garden, with the launching of two new products, the soplador-aspirador-triturador electrical Ergojet 3000, and the soplador of battery, Accujet 18-Li.

The Ergojet 3000 is 3 in 1: soplador powerful, with a power of 3000 W and adjust of the speed of the air until 310 km/h, aspirador of big capacity, with a volume of aspiración of 605 m3/h and cesto recogedor of 45 l, and triturador effective and robust, with turbine of steel, and a capacity of triturado of 16:1. Of big ease of use, his empuñadura confort and his optimum distribution of the weight ensure the maximum comfort of utilisation. Likewise, it incorporates the system patented ClickFit, innovation that allows to convert the soplador in aspirador triturador of easy and fast way without need of tools.

The model AccuJet 18-Li without wire, is extremely practical and polyvalent, and very useful for the cleaning of leaves or all type of dirt and small waste. Very light (1,7 kg) and compact, results ideal for all type of user, facilitating a comfortable work and without efforts, and offering a big ease of storage. It offers very good provision, until 250 m2 of autonomy, with a speed of the air of 190 km/h. And the big advantage of the absence of wire, for a total freedom of movements, more his technology of battery of Ion-lithium 18V/1,6 Ah, interchangeable, compatible with several products Gardena.

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