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Turbocam Bets by the equipment CNC of Haas to mechanise components of production with leaves for turbomaquinaria

An Indian subsidiary sample the way to the company American mother

Editorial Interempresas16/04/2012

16 April 2012

At the beginning of the decade of the ninety, an Indian customer of the American company of engineering of precision Turbocam Inc. encouraged to this to take advantage of the entrance in force of a new legislation more flexible in matter of foreign investment to open a factory in the Indian. Of this form, the Indian company would have access to the pieces of high quality that needed without having to pay by them in divisa foreign. In return, Turbocam could enter in one of the economies with greater projection of the world. It was an investment to long that involved some risk, but the customer gave guarantees to Turbocam that it would give him sufficient commissions to keep the busy new factory.

The subsidiaries are used to to create to image and similarity of the company matrix. Turbocam Inc., a company that enjoys of a big success and prestige in the industry, sells his components of production with leaves for turbomaquinaria to some of the most important companies of the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing sectors, industrial, nautics and of automotive sector. When the company created the subsidiary Turbocam Pvt., it instrumented the factory with machines-tool CNC of a mark of confidence for the steering of the group.

“At the beginning, guided us enough by the central headquarters of EE UU”, says Savio Carvalho, director of Turbocam India Pvt. Ltd, established in Goa. “Also regarding the election of the machines. But in 2001 we had a turning point: we receive an enormous commission through Turbocam Europe to manufacture segments of insulator of five axles for the big colisionador of hadrones of the CERN, in Switzerland. We finish producing some sixty thousand pieces, and this did us ‘grow' to eyes of the central headquarters of United States. They gave account of the potential that had here”.


The commission of the CERN (European Organisation for the Nuclear Investigation) had a budget of more than one million dollars. After completing and deliver the request, the Indian subsidiary obtained sufficient resources to purchase machines CNC newer and powerful.

“Already knew to the local distributor of Haas, that spoke us of a company of here that used a machine Haas, a VF-3”, account Carvalho. “So we were to see it. We ask after him the machine to the owner of the company and was excited. Personally, I remained impressesed by the power of the husillo and the control. I compared the VF-3 with other machines, spoke with more people of the sector and seemed me that the machine Haas had a very competitive price for a team of his characteristics”.

In 2004, Turbocam India purchased a VF-2SS, the first of the a lot of machines-tool CNC of Haas that has finished having the company. Although Carvalho remembers that the first year almost did not use that machine Haas: “The majority of the work that did by then was of five axles. Practically we did not have commissions for the Haas of four axles”, rememora, “but take advantage of well the time learning thorough how worked the machine”.

But in little time Turbocam Pvt. It began to use the machine Haas for desbastar leaves of turbines, that afterwards finished in the machines of five axles. “We used the Haas for desbastar with two operations of tie up”, says Carvalho, “like this could shorten considerably the process of desbaste. The machine happened the proof: it was fast and reliable. But we needed to begin to use it for the finishing of the leaves”.

By chance, in that moment the company received some commissions of leaves of turbines less complex that could mechanise using only four axles. From then, the Haas of four axles began to produce to all machine. “In 2005 we mechanise some pieces of proof for Cummings”, continues Carvalho. “A bit later, they gave us green light. They said us: ‘we Have foreseen to begin to produce inside a year, and want to that you do us ten thousand pieces to the month'. We needed to prepare us, buy some machines more immediately. But, to be sincere, then no all the world bet by Haas”.

At the beginning of 2006, the company still had not decided which machine-tool buy. Turbocam India was decided to invest in equipment Haas, but in the central headquarters of EE UU did not see it so clear. To convince them, Carvalho travelled with Onno Weststrate, of Turbocam Netherlands, to Hannover to visit the stand of Haas Automation Europe in the fair EMO, the European living room of the manufacture that celebrates each two years. From there, they flew until the central headquarters of Turbocam, in the state of New Hampshire, where gathered with the steering to show them that was worthwhile to invest in the machines Haas. Even so, the proposal did not finish to convince to the steering of EE UU.

“Said him to Terrence Miranda, general director of Haas India, that was he the one who had to convince to the Americans to buy the machines Haas”, adds Carvalho. “Together with Haas Inc., Miranda organised a visit of our technical director, Elliot Wilkins, and of our boss of engine drivers, Keith Bainbridge, to the factory of Haas in Oxnard, California”. That visit did them change of idea. The executives returned to Hampshire with a very different point of view.


“The organisation of the factory left them impressesed. They saw the quantity of machines Haas that the company uses to manufacture his own equipment and remained amazed with the system of spare parts and inventory, as well as with the general philosophy of Haas. Afterwards we went back to send our proposal to the central headquarters and finally approved it. To continuation, did a request of eight machines Haas: two lathes and six milling machines. And the most surprising was that, to the cape of little, the headquarters of EE UU also bought eight machines Haas”.

Passed some years, Turbocam already had sixteen milling machines and four lathes Haas working to full performance to produce fourteen thousand pieces of turbines to the month for Cummings.

“In a principle, torneábamos the pieces from a bar”, account Savio Carvalho. “But it was not very profitable, and generated a lot of waste. Now we ask him to the customer that produce the forged and send us the components once desbastados. Like this we commission us of the final turning. We check all and each one of the components, –the torneros commission – before they go in in the milling machines. Finally, we verify rigorously one of each eleven components finished in the room of machines of measurement by coordinates, that has air conditioned”.


The control of quality is basic. Between the customers of Turbocam, find important marks of the sector of the automotive sector, like Chrysler and Volvo, between others. “These companies want to be safe that all the pieces can go directly to the chain of production”, continues Carvalho, “so our processes of mechanised have to be reliable and keep inside the indexes of capacity, the parameters of control”.

In the moment to write this presses release, the company already expects another game of Haas Indian. The forecast is that Turbocam had twenty-three milling machines Haas in April of 2011: twenty-two VF-2SS and a VF-3Ff. In addition to the five lathes Haas, of course. In a normal week of work, the machines light to the six and average of the morning of the Monday and turn off to the ten and average of the night of the Saturday. The Sundays reserve for the tasks of preventive maintenance and for the deserved rest of the 105 employees of the company.

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