
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Gama Aquamotion de Gardena: todo para el estanque
The mark offers solutions from the construction of the lake, to the technology to create all type of effects of water, products of maintenance decoration

Range Aquamotion of Gardena: everything for the lake

Editorial Interempresas26/03/2012

26 March 2012

A lake is one of the elements that define and customise a garden: a universe that can keep during generations, contributing style and personality to a property. Rebosantes Of life and nature, are ideal places for the relax. Gardena, with his range Aquamotion, offers a wide range of products for the lake. His experience allows to offer easy and practical solutions for his construction, maintenance and decoration.

According to the size and the depth of the lake that want to build , has to choose one or another type of revestimiento, since this has to hold the weight of the water. Gardena Offers a complete selection of products for the construction of the lake. If, for example, the decision is to realise a lake whose capacity do not exceed the 450 litres, the rigid moulds will be the best election. With them build a lake will be easy and fast. All the moulds Gardena are manufactured in polietileno, very resistant to the rays UV and to the frosts. Besides they respect the fauna and the flora and are to proof of hits, and with 10 years of guarantee.

Afterwards, the decoration of the lake does not have limits: install some fascinantes effects of water —cracked, chorros espumosos, falls in shape of bell…— or create artificial brooks to enjoy of the whisper of the water; leave that the plants flower, improving the appearance of the lake, to the time that supply oxygen and provide a habitat to the animals…

Of course, also is necessary to think in the filters that keep the quality of the water, and in the oxigenadores that keep it transparent and enriched. And finally, can leave fly our imagination and customise it with different lightings.

For all this Gardena offers solutions: from the construction of the lake, to the technology to create all type of effects of water, more the products of maintenance, and the elements of decoration.

And to know more thorough the world of the lakes and the sinfín of possibilities that Gardena offers to give them form, can attend to his page web, where can find a brochure, full of councils and informations, devoted especially to them.


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