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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a José Luis Diloy, presidente de Eurosurfas
“The sector is very atomizado: it has to join and associate to go out to the outside, to survive”

Interview to José Luis Diloy, president of Eurosurfas

Javier García30/12/2011

30 December 2011

The sector of the painting and the treatment of surfaces does not cross his best moments. In fact, according to José Luis Diloy, president of Eurosurfas, celebrated fair in Barcelona between the 14 and of 18 November, this industry lives perhaps the worst crisis that remembers . Reasons do not are missing. The explosion of the bubble real estate is one. However, Diloy sees atisbos of hope. For this, the companies have to associate and aventurarse to go out to the outside.
José Luis Diloy, president of Eurosurfas, during the interview to IE-TV
José Luis Diloy, president of Eurosurfas, during the interview to IE-TV.

Alas, the situation of the sector today is the reflection of the industry in general.

It does not cross his best moment...

No. Any piece or object that manufactures it is necessary to finish it and treat it; it is here where takes part the treatment of surfaces. If it falls the production, falls our sector. This industry has suffered a collapse of until 60% in some subsectores in what production. The truth is that it crosses a moment frankly hard. On the other hand, it is necessary to say that this industry has hit rock bottom, no longer can go down more.

By what has been able to perceive these days in the fair, how live the expositores and the visitors this reality?

There is optimism, win that the situation improve.

What would stand out of this edition regarding novelties?

One of the companies expositoras has presented some products for bathrooms, for the treatment of metals, that do not contain neither phosphates neither chromium hexavalente, toxic element and that probably the EU will delete inside very little. In his place, use another type of products, in addition to the nanotechnology for the finishing of the surfaces before the painted.

“Of the 450 Spanish manufacturers of painting, eleven do 60% of the turnover of the sector, and of between them, nine are foreign multinationals. The rest has to conform with what remains of the cake”

Which relation thinks that has this sector with our surroundings?

The sector works from does already a lot of years in this appearance. To the equal that the chemical industry, is a role model by his respectful performance with the environment. In this this industry has invested a lot of money.

It is competitive the Spanish company in the outside?

Yes, are competitive but the Spanish manufacturer does not have exporting tradition. Now it seems that any begins to go out to the outside, perhaps by need, since the market here is as it is. However, the scales of external trade is balanced.

How it is possible?

The data is deceptive: we have big international corporations that manufacture in Spain products that afterwards export to other countries. Here the market is very atomizado, so much in paintings as in galvanic coatings: cientos of familiar companies of 4 or 5 employees, that are happening them canutas. I will put a very significant example: in Spain are 46 million inhabitants and there are 450 manufacturers of paintings. Germany explains 400 companies for 88 millions.

Very significant, yes

But there is more. Of 450 Spanish manufacturers, eleven do 60% of the turnover of the sector, and of between them, nine are foreign multinationals. The rest has to conform with what remains of the cake.

It ensures that the market has fallen 60%...

Yes, in some subsectores yes. Which situation can live the market of the lacado of the aluminium if there is not construction of houses?

What measured thinks that is taking the sector to survive to this crisis?

Treat to reduce the costs and externalizar the sales. But this only can it do those that have capacity.

And the rest?

In Brazil join several companies, specialised in several sectors, and travel jointly to countries of the surroundings, where installed .

We have in Spain this capacity of association?

No, and is a need of the sector; especially for these more than 400 small companies that commented before. The financial situation of the majority is very bad; some of them explain so only with 15% of own bottoms in the passive, and this there is not the one who hold it: in the moment in that them recortan a credit are practically forced to close.

In east link will find the whole interview that José Luis Diloy conceded to Interempresas TV the past 18 November.

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