
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Carlos del Piñal, nuevo director general de Husqvarna División Consumer, para la Península Ibérica

Carlos of the Piñal, new general director of Husqvarna Division Consumer, for the Iberian Peninsula

Editorial Interempresas01/12/2011

1 December 2011

On 30 November, Husqvarna Spain S.A. organised in the Hotel Hespes of Madrid a food with the Technical Press to present to his new general director for the Division Consumer, Carlos of the Piñal Martín.

Carlos of the Piñal, of Spanish nationality, 43 years, married, and with four children, graduated in Economic and Administration of Companies by the Universidad Complutense-Saint University School Pablo, C.And.Or. And it possesses a MBA by IESE PDG, of the University of Navarra.

His extensive professional path, of more than 15 years of length, has developed in multinationals of the highest level (Energizer Group, Unilever…), and has been tied always to near positions to the product, the customers and the sales, through different charges of level and managerial responsibility. It possesses a wide commercial experience, and has a perfect knowledge of the Spanish and Portuguese markets.

Carlos of the Piñal began his new stage in Husqvarna Spain, Division Consumer, from the day 10 October 2011, where will contribute his complete experience, and his high level, so much human like professional.

Carlos of the Piñal, general director, and Justine Second, director of marketing of Husqvarna Division Consumer, for the Iberian Peninsula...
Carlos of the Piñal, general director, and Justine Second, director of marketing of Husqvarna Division Consumer, for the Iberian Peninsula.

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