
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Éxito de las marcas Gardena y McCulloch en los I Premios Garden en Iberflora

Success of the marks Gardena and McCulloch in the I Prizes Garden in Iberflora


14 October 2011

In the I Prizes Garden, sponsored by Iberflora, that finish to celebrate with big success in Valencia his first announcement, to reward the idoneidad professional and the business values inside the sector of the plants and the green spaces, the mark Gardena, imposing to other important candidatures, has been awarded with the first prize, in the category of 'Tools and Machinery', by his recortasetos with accu ComfortCut 30, based in this innovative technology, for the comfortable cut without wire, and that combines the ease of handle of his small size, with the characteristics and the advantages of a recortasetos big.

Likewise, the mark McCulloch, also pertaining, like Gardena, to the Division Consumer of Husqvarna, has remained finalist in this same category, with his Mow Cart 66, an innovative hybrid between a cortacésped and a tractor of garden, that combines the advantages of the two machines.

Tractor of garden cortacesped Mow Cart 66 (to the izq.), of McCulloch, and the recortasetos ComfortCut 30, of Gardena
Tractor of garden cortacesped Mow Cart 66 (to the izq.), of McCulloch, and the recortasetos ComfortCut 30, of Gardena.

Related Companies or Entities

Gardena - Husqvarna España
Mcculloch - Husqvarna España División Consumer

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