
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Ahorrar agua y regar de forma económica y eficaz es fácil
Gardena has programming systems that they are managed and administered entirely automatic mode

Save water and irrigate cheaply and effectively is easy

Drafting Interempresas26/04/2011

April 26, 2011

The traditional irrigation, by means of a hose, is finally the less effective, and the one who consumes more water. The ideal for a suitable aprovechamiento is to use an irrigation automated, already was buried or of surface.
Irrigation scheduling is the key to the proper management of the water. Is essential to make an exact forecast of the water to be applied, both in time and quantity, to the optimization of irrigation and irrigation scheduling aims to apply the right amount of water, and at the right timeto provide a contribution to our plants, but getting a lower water consumption at the same time. In addition, irrigation developers can break free from the task of irrigation during the summer and are very easy to use.
Programming of Gardena irrigation systems are managed and administered entirely automatically, and include both simple irrigation Scheduler in the tap for the control of a stretch of irrigation, as major irrigation facilities with several stretches of irrigation.

For surface irrigation, Gardena has different programmers of irrigation, attractive and modern design, adapted to every need of the owners of the garden, whether amateur or real specialists. With them different durations and frequencies, can be programmed fully flexible.

Gardena has a humidity sensor and sensor rain which, together with the programmers, they constitute a very useful solution for adapting irrigation to the real needs of the soil
Also at the service of saving water, Gardena has a humidity sensor and sensor rain which, together with the programmers, they constitute a very useful solution for adapting irrigation to the real needs of the ground, checking its humidity level. With them, the Earth receives the exact quantity you need at every moment, because programmers are only activated when the sensor detects a lack of water.

And for a total of buried facilities, irrigation systems, control automatic programming using valves directly programmed or connected by cable makes it possible to forget entirely the problem of irrigation in the garden, and devote himself only to enjoy. The various sections of irrigation are supplied with water at different times, as required in each case, for example for the lawn, garden and greenhouse. Ideal also if the power of the tap is not sufficient to irrigate once throughout the garden.

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