
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en AQUAPlanNet, de Gardena, pone el riego integrado técnico al alcance del consumidor

AQUAPlanNet, Gardena, puts the integrated irrigation technical reach of consumer


April 27, 2010

Gardena has chosen to Jardiland as a launching pad for AQUAPlanNet, a unique concept devoted to advice and installation of technical irrigation systems. It's a 'shop in shop' with interactive terminal, which helps the user to selecting, designing and installing irrigation system that best suits your needs. This system is characterized by its interactive terminal, consisting of three programmes: one, teaching, that solves all the unknowns of the technical irrigation through schemes of Assembly and videos, designed for the consumer; other, of aid to the sale of pumps: in this case, the consumer only has to answer a series of questions and the program select for him suitable pumps; and the last, of planning, that simple levels of irrigation can be performed quickly and that sums up the list of products you need. AQUAPlanNet has another series of innovations: sliding drawers of demonstration with which the user can itself use the principle of installation and operation, thanks to a few models for the presentation of irrigation systems buried and drop to drop; information panels that recall the basic principles of the bombs and buried irrigation and drop to drop; posters and leaflets that help that the consumer is document easily as well as a linear with the involved products available to consumers. Also, sale of Jardiland teams have been trained on AQUAPlanNet, in order to provide a personalized advice.

View of the AQUAPlanNet system that the user can be found in Jardiland
View of the AQUAPlanNet system that the user can be found in Jardiland.

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