
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Masas de moldeo, nuevas aplicaciones

Masses of moulding, new applications

Drafting PU01/02/2003


Million cars walk through the streets with rear drivers, covered with speedometer and intermittent of masses of moulding Plexiglas - of the business area of masses of Röhm moulding Degussa AG. In addition to its high resistance to weathering, this material is primarily characterized by the good transmission of light and variety of colors, its high gloss and transparency, as well as its hardness and resistance to scratching.
In addition to the already known of the masses of moulding Plexiglas applications, these products are used increasingly in light management systems and in non-transparent parts for automobiles. As it could be seen in the last fair Fakuma 2002, where the firm Degussa presented other applications of this product was developed by Röhm.

One of these applications are optical fiber in navigation systems, where Plexiglas is used for its high purity and transmission of light, even in complex and highly branched forms. As an example of plexiglass or Plexalloy NTA body parts include the lining of the pillars in the BMW Mini, the casing of the exterior mirror of the Opel Astra, as well as the spoiler and parts of the roof in compact vehicles. The light weight, high resistance to scratching, excellent resistance to weathering and colour stability as well as its easy workability are the determining factors for the greater use of the masses of Plexiglas moulding in the automotive manufacturing.

High resistance to the rayado and excellent resistance to the intemperie and stability of the colours...
High resistance to the rayado and excellent resistance to the intemperie and stability of the colours: the advantages of PLEXALLOY NTA for car body parts moldeadas by injection

One step of work

With the PFM (Paintless Film Molding) system, the automotive industry also has a procedure that can be manufactured in the pieces of bodywork on a single work step. Parts of body of high quality to manufacture light cars with low fuel consumption are obtained through extrusion multilayer films with masses of moulding Plexiglas layer of color and final layer and subsequent mold decoration.

The PFM system is a development of advanced systems of conventional synthetic materials. This technology prevents the laborious conventional painted plastic parts. The technical advantages include a considerable reduction in weight compared with the pieces of veneer, profitability and ecological criteria.

The ecological alternative

Parts manufactured with the PFM system are fully recyclable, because they are entirely compatible plastic. Expensive for the separation of the painting and the synthetic material recycling processes are no longer needed. To dispense with the painting, the process does not include solvents that can have an impact on the environment. Nor is it necessary to apply a preservative chemical transport, thanks to its peelable protective film.

Degussa is a corporation specializing in high-performance special chemistry. With some due employees and sales of 12.9 billion euros, Degussa is the third largest German chemical company and the number one worldwide of special chemistry. In the year 2001, the Corporation obtained an operating result (EBITA) of more than one billion euros

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