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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Plan de internacionalización del sector del metal en Cataluña
On 7 November the Minister for innovation, universities and enterprise of the Generalitat of Catalonia in Barcelona presented a plan aimed at companies of the metal sector as a whole

Plan of internationalisation of the sector of the metal in Catalonia

Joan Sánchez20/12/2007
The objective of the plan, according to the Counsellor Josep Huguet, is the "to support the internationalization of Catalan companies in the sector, facilitating tools to cope with global changes in that sector of the metal is immersed". The plan covers 15 initiatives, with the objective of deepening in the positioning and strategic planning of the sector, including a better understanding of trends in demand and the improvement of the production chain.

The Act of presentation of the plan took place in Barcelona, with the presence of the Presidents and representatives of the most representative organizations of the industry of the metal in Catalonia. The gestation period of the plan is the result of hours of work that kept the COPCA (Consortium for the commercial promotion of Catalonia) during the first quarter of this year with Ascamm (Catalan Association of moulds and dies), CEAM (Centro de estudios y metallurgical advice)EMU (metallurgical business Union), UPMBALL (metallurgy employers Union of L'Hospitalet and the Baix Llobregat), UPM (Union employer metallurgical) and CM (metallurgical Center).

From left to right...
From left to right: Ramon Alberich (CM), Jaume Solé (ASCAMM), Antoni Marsal (UPM), the Counsellor Josep Huguet, Antoni Abad (EMU), Manuel Rosillo (UPMBALL), Francesc Comajuan (CEAM).

In the words of the conseller Huguet "Catalonia is industrial, and wants to remain so". It is fashion sector-building services to the detriment of the industry, this biased approach is neither up nor Catalonia can afford. This is the conclusion of the Minister. In this context, the sector of metal (understood in the broad sense), which in 2005 accounted for 10,400 businesses and 138,000 people, is one of the engines in the industry. The sector faces growing emerging countries competition and the relocation of the factories of some of their clients (as it is the case of the automotive sector). If the competition is international, the sector requires internationalization.

The objectives of the plan include the definition of competitive strategies around clear and common criteria. It is necessary to know the trends of demand, positioning the sector towards them and strengthen its cohesion internal. It should improve the competitiveness of the key points of the supply chain, raise awareness of the sector with regard to their needs and strengthen the international promotion of the sector.

The budget of the plan, whose initiatives are listed in the attached table, is 800,000 euros. It should be noted, however, that some of the initiatives are framed within other with budgets that add to this modest figure. The plan has a timetable for implementation that includes initiatives for the coming year, with the possibility of extension at the beginning of the next.

"Catalonia is industrial, and wants to remain so" said the Minister Huguet
Initiatives of the plan

• Diagnosis of the international competitiveness programme (programme Alpha).

• Creation of a unified catalog: unification of the existing information to begin the process of drawing up of a virtual catalog.

• Thematic classrooms: good practices for promoting online. The objective is to train companies that can give current communication technology used for its effective promotion.

• Adequacy of web pages.

• Study of trends OME.

• Analysis of the market.

• Direct trade missions.

• Reverse trade missions.

• Sectoral actions: raise awareness of the sector with regard to their own problems.

• Participation in international fairs.

• Groups of export in origin.

• Logistics platforms

• Units of the outsourcing.

• Newsletter

• Seminars for raising awareness in the territory.

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