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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Gutmar, una pyme de altos vuelos
Joan Martorell, Executive Chairman, it advocates the creation of an industrial fabric based on strategic alliances that can meet the demands of the aeronautics sector.

Gutmar, a high-flying SMEs

Nerea Gorriti15/01/2006
That various multinationals of the sector of Aeronautics, space industry, defense and medicine which always relied on French and German suppliers of first level, bet for years by a Catalan SMEs is more than a guarantee of success and know-how of GutmarMechanical precision. Nor is it by chance and, as defined with irony the Executive President of the company, Joan Martorell, "Gutmar has been as Asterix in Gaul;" "we have been alone in a world for which we were practically unrelated". Precisely, this definition fits with fidelity the reality. With the passage of the years, the company located in Barcelona's L´Hospitalet is has been emerging from a small workshop of machining up to work today elbow to elbow with multinationals in sectors in which it is difficult to penetrate and much morekeep. MetalUnivers wanted to know the culprit of that aircraft as Airbus, Eurofighter and helicopters as the Tiger, Super Puma or EC130 of Eurocopter or the MAN truck of Jordi Joventani, winner of the race Barcelona-Dakar 2004 in the category of 3 axeslead in his body and interior parts and mechanisms "made in Spain".
Joan Martorell, Executive Chairman of Gutmar
Joan Martorell, Executive Chairman of Gutmar.
The sectors to which it is addressed Gutmar are not conventional. All of them require high levels of quality and precision that oblige the constant acquisition of equipment of last generation, high investment in r & d and a team highly "qualified, loyal and motivated", added Joan Martorell, Executive Chairman of this company that among other values asIt stands out as one of the bastions of the industry Catalan aeronautics. How you get to rub shoulders with elite companies? One of the reasons is undoubtedly its technological equipment and a pointer machine park, among which are trademarks of first level such as Okuma, represented by machine Center, but also Mazak, Mori Seiki and DMG.

The intense activity of the company, his involvement in projects of major importance, his "solitude" in a sector which seeks to take off in Catalonia, Joan Martorell make a connoisseur of the sector.

Tell us, is how it begins the activity of this company?

Gutmar origins date back to 1951 when two industrial teachers of Barcelona company Elizalde - specializing in aviation engines decide, with very few resources, but passion for quality and job well done, set up a small workshop of machining dedicated to outsourcing. All of the years, to enter the second generation in the enterprise, not as good mechanical but with the passion of the learned quality and with important technical training, are committed to begin to offer an integral service to our customers. Addressing the engineering and manufacturing of parts, assembling products and maintenance; This is what is now Gutmar.

Gutmar main activity is the manufacture and installation of hydraulic mechanical sets intended basically for the aeronautic, space, defense and medical. They are strategic high-tech sectors where cosmetic finish and accuracy are very important and which are used very technical materials: alloys of aluminium and magnesium, titanium, special steels. These are sectors in which we have to bet, the few that we have left.

Piece for satellite
Piece for satellite.

What parts are manufactured and what type of project go?

We perform sets of rotor for helicopters, for our main customer, Eurocopter France, one of the largest producers of helicopters in the world. With this company we have a relationship of partnership that goes back more than thirty years. In addition to the partners of EADS, we are virtually the only Spanish company that works with Eurocopter France.

Today we are responsible as a sole supplier of more than eight hundred references listed aviation, mainly of rotor of helicopter, landing and hydraulic actuators train.

Now highlight the collaboration with the company ceases (Madrid) with the project at the risk of the new A400M aircraft, aircraft that Airbus Spain have in Seville and in which we collaborate with two actuators: which raises the main gear of the landing gear and the actuator that opens and closes the front ramp

We have also collaborated with ESA, the European Space Agency, space satellite projects and a project with Nasa.

Pneumatic actuators
Pneumatic actuators.

What does the product Gutmar star?

As most representative products would highlight, in the field of defence, the integral oleoneumática of the BMR suspension, which is a whole ground six wheeled vehicle which is used mainly in humanitarian missions, and that for more than 12 yearsunder own patent, we manufacture and carry out the maintenance and repair for NATO and for the army Spanish.

We are proud to say that last year asked us that we adaptásemos the suspension of the BMR for the truck for off-road MAN who participated in the Barcelona-Dakar and eventually, was winner in the category of three axes with Jordi Joventani to the front. The idea of the BMR adapted to a truck series was a success and was a great test bed. Not an off-road operating 3 or 4 hours a day at Afghanistan or Iraq to another which is exposed 16 hours a day in the desert at speeds of Vertigo and with technical loads is the same to the limit.

Apart from Eurocopter, Airbus and AD, collaborate with other companies French and Swiss as Messier Bugatti and Curtis Wright. We seek relationships with our customers in partnership, we run the classical definition of simple, provider, being very focused on the European level. In order to ensure maximum service to our customers we are committed to diversifying the risk by sectors and customers. It is the gamble of Gutmar: giving an integral service to diversify by sectors and customers.

They received the award of the quality of the Generalitat of Catalonia in 2003…

Yes. We are of the few Spanish SMEs with a comprehensive management system certificate with standards ISO 9000, ISO1400, AQAPPCAL NATO, ISO9100 eintegrado with the system of prevention of risks. It is a pride that this effort we have been recognized and we rifled to continue with our business plan.

We consider basic to implement a comprehensive management model, the way it is today a company is to be effective, streamlined to the maximum efficiency at minimum cost.

As company values we emphasize quality, business ethics, constant training, respect for the environment, continuous improvement and customer loyalty, extending the loyalty not only to the end customers but also to the entire chain of value from people who are Gutmar to external providers who are partners and also due be fidelizados.

The training is a fundamental value for you, so much that they have an own school, when began this activity?

So it is. Gutmar training is a factor for progress. For 15 years in collaboration with the Department of education of the Generalitat of Catalonia we participated in the training of young people that combine practical training in the company with complementary studies. We provide them theoretical tools that apply immediately in factory and really the results are very satisfactory. Each year we are fifteen people, and in the last two years we have formed mainly to women. The woman in the mechanical manufacture is under-represented and we have seen that as in other fields are great professionals who are highly motivated. In Gutmar, in addition to positions of great responsibility as being responsible for quality or administration, we have operators of high level in mechanical manufacturing and Assembly of mechanical sets. We are very satisfied of the result of the formation of women, it has been very positive, they are very detailed, very responsible. We must banish the idea that the mechanics is a bit technical, dirty work and only for men.

We intend to be people coming to work in Gutmar people involved and motivated with the project and that, moreover, remain the as long as possible with us. Normally people retiring in Gutmar with 40 to 45 years of linking to the company.

Our product's life cycle is very long. Unlike a classical sector in Catalonia as the automotive industry where every 5 or 7 years change projects, models of cars, in aeronautics aircraft life cycle is 15, 20 or 25 years. Therefore this partnership, that customer-supplier relationship is to be as good, should be the last in time and fidelizarla with our people, which also requires involvement and technologies that perhaps in other sectors there are no.

Martorell considers training as a factor for progress
Martorell considers training as a factor for progress.

In addition, training is essential to be competitive in sectors as cualificados…

Of course. We are committed to the creation of the training school for fifteen years, through an agreement with the Department of Enseyament of the Generalitat to host at home for four months fifteen young people, even in some cases, coming from a school failure. Here we provide a basic training and tools, quickly, applying in workshop. Each year, these 15 young people trained, 3 or 4 that fit better with the company culture remain with us, still studying and working. They have extra motivation, and are reflected in the people that came years before to work and that, works very well.

It is a key to success of Gutmar. We are also making final of the Polytechnic of higher education projects. Some young people stay and those who are often are the best trade we have, because later, where they are going to work always speak well of us.

We imagine to be rewarding but sometimes difficult…

We do individual training for each person. We give them access to training. As curiosity, all courses that we offer, and they propose they are subsidized by the company and Moreover, the time employing outside of working hours in training, 50% is paid as overtime. We believe that training is good for them and for the company.

We believe in training as a factor for progress; It is strategic and essential.

What materials are the most used in Gutmar?

We work all kinds of materials: treated steel 17-4 PH, 15-5 PH, 13-8 PH, M300, aluminium with base 2024,7075 magnesium, titanium, polyamides, in short, all kinds of materials. We have a list of machines adapted to versatile market with which we work: high speed, high pair, 3 to 5 axes, lathes, grinders machining centres, we have a fairly complete workshop.

They have own product or develop parts for other sectors?

Own product have the suspension of the BMR with own patent, we also manufacture hydraulic cylinders for third parties and collaborate in the design. Also, among other things, now in conjunction with the electrical engineering Promaut company we are developing a portable robot for deactivation of explosives.
Quality control
Quality control.

The type of pieces involved, are obliged to manufacture with minimum tolerances and very stringent specifications?. How do you guarantee these conditions?

We have a very modern quality control laboratory and a very specific work methodology. In Gutmar, in her Office technique is designed the process, the control plan is elaborated, made the CAM program for complex surfaces not regulated, virtually controlled the program before moving on to workshop and when it is assured and validatedthe machines will be connected to the CAM that is sent to the machine program. The first piece is then verified jointly between laboratory, quality control and the operator responsible for the preparation. Once the two have verified that the preparation is correct and the good, maintaining the standard of quality is only responsibility of the operator, who is qualified to do so. We do not believe in the flying control, nor believe in exempt liability to the operator because it does lose accountability and motivation.

It seems that machine manufacturers tend to offer machines to avoid the later works, does this some importance to Gutmar?

Of course, to minimize the phases and above all, not only costs, but to ensure a quality. When a same fixation, we carry out more operations we know that the level of tolerance is lower, you minimize the cumulative errors.

At the moment, what I would need this type of machinery which is not yet on the market? (reliability, speed, accuracy, flexibility, price...)

It is not an easy question. We are in a globalised and changing market and increasingly have to be more competitive. Unlike other sectors, we are specialized in small series. Then, we apply techniques able to avoid the possibility of failure as the poka-yoke (failsafe systems), S.M.E.D technologies for quick-change of supplies, since we devote much time to prepare machines. Think that there are machines that are between 2 and 4 times a day. Then, what we are looking for on the machines we buy now? Quick preparation almost over time of the machine in March. We are constantly preparing machines in workshop for batches of 10, 30, 40 pieces as much. For example, for the space industry manufacturing batches are sometimes in one piece for an only satellite. The series of annual production for the aeronautical sector are small, can be manufactured in series of 30-40 aircraft / year and helicopters 100-200 a year. We are very far from the automotive industry where manufactured a piece and it can be maintained throughout the year. Our market is very different, should be reliability, ease and speed in the execution of the work performed.

Do you could detail the teams that account in the workshop of machining?

I would highlight the Okuma MacTurn 350 we acquired last November. It's a machine of new generation of nine controlled axes ideal for its versatility and precision in the manufacture of actuators. We also have a machining center Deckel Maho five axis and high speed, two centres of machining Mazak (one vertical of two meters in length and another horizontal pallet change), two centres Okuma MB-46-VAE and Okuma MX-55 and five lathes CNC Okumaa centre of Mori Seiki turning and grinding machine for grinding of CNC Danobat among others. We are looking for the ideal machine for every application. The same is not work with titanium, magnesium or treated steel, there are times that we need machines of high torque and others in which the high speed is essential.

What we do before buying a machine is a multi-criteria analysis. Thus we decided a few basic criteria that we prioritize, we give a weight and a weight to each one of them and then evaluate the options. As a criterion of selection we attach importance to the introduction in the market, the versatility, the guarantee, the technical service the machine that gives us the most, we acquired.

In the case of the Okuma MacTurn 350, the machine was basic to our process. We needed to develop hydraulic actuators minimize preparations, that a machine was also versatile, to ensure the quality and with the minimum possible faults ensure the requirements of concentricidad and precision that we requeríamos.

Two workers from the 350 MacTurn Okuma
Two workers from the 350 MacTurn Okuma.

When she begins her relationship with Okuma?

He began many years ago. The first lathe entered Gutmar twelve or thirteen years ago. They were the first lathes LB 15-25 and for years, on lathe has been the benchmark we had. The MacTurn is proving to be very positive. We have resumed the relationship with enthusiasm. I can assure you that as a manufacturer of lathes Okuma, if not the best, is the best, the reliability, productivity and the mechanical resistance. They are very hard and very safe machine.

Can you detail any concrete example of pieces that are mecanizing on Okuma machines?

With the MacTurn we have enabled the traction of the 80 aturn actuator. We have also manufactured a piece of the Eurofighter, the Block & Barrel, a very nice and accurate piece. In addition, we have developed numerous pieces for medical prosthesis requiring more than five axes and a very important production.

What advantages bring you new Okuma machine?

Okuma machines are robust and reliable. In the case of the MacTurn model, highlights the versatility of simultaneous axes and sturdiness. The capacity of milling is powerful and for materials such as steel, the actuators need top pair and behave very well.

We have it since November, but already we can see its efficiency prior to its acquisition.

Resources devoted to r & d or this facet is already marked by its clients and is dedicated exclusively to manufacturing under specific conditions demand?

We, as SMEs, do a very important r & d effort. We are obliged to make a very high investment in research and development, detail engineering, development control plans, set about to process, design and manufacture of test banks and build the prototypes. For a company like Gutmar this is very important, because we are investing in r & d well above the average European and Spanish, and this is the way to grow. In what market can you guarantee today a business for 15 or 20 years? In none. Therefore, entering risk in projects of this magnitude allows ensure a workload for a long time. It is a bet for the future and a way to ensure the prevalence in the market of the company.

Do you have a project of enlargement?

Yes, of course. We have a strategic plan for growth. In fact, it is not normal that a company of 60 people like ours, to work directly with companies such as EADS, Eurocopter and other companies in these levels. They require us to grow, make the leap.

Our strategic plan aims to move from the 60 people who are the 120. We also want to help other suppliers to enter the sector, make pineapple and grow together. Also the facilities we have 2,600 square metres, be transformed, in the short term, in a new ship of 10,000 square meters, perhaps in the town of Viladecans Park aircraft, if it is definitively consolidated, or elsewhere. Clients require us to grow and we have an ambitious growth plan.

Gutmar is a benchmark in the industry in Catalonia, why not there more businesses to devote its activity to this industry?

Catalonia has a very valid industrial for growth in the aviation sector. Currently, there are companies that develop tools and Assembly of aircraft stands, also engineering and software, but unfortunately we are virtually alone in mechanical manufacturing of product shipped by air. Which is why our project is to be a capital company in Catalonia of the sector that can work with the large manufacturers and help to create a valid industrial fabric that Catalonia is important in the sector. To be a country of SMEs the future through making strategic alliances not only between companies but also with technology centres, universities, etc to join efforts and to tackle together larger projects.

Result of the enthusiasm for the sector from the Barcelona City Council, led by Mayor Joan Clos and the collaboration of the Generalitat de Catalunya and the central Government, in the year 2000 was formed Bay (Barcelona Aeronautics and space) to strengthen the sector in Catalonia. Not by chance, but because Catalonia represents nearly 20 percent of the GDP of Spain, and in terms of Aeronautics, five years ago we were at 0.5 per cent. Today we find to 5 percent, but far still of Basque country, Andalusia and Madrid.

Curiously, the beginnings of aeronautics in Spain were forged in Catalonia. Then for various reasons was lost. At that time, it was dismantled Elizalde and other Catalan companies and empowered the other poles aeronautical industry: Madrid and Andalusia with House, in Basque country thanks to the creation of Gamesa and ITP. It is essential for the development of a sector, that there is a valid industrial fabric, that there is a company tractor, and which prevail the will of the administration of aid and to grow the sector. Fortunately, today the administration commitment to aeronautics in Catalonia as a strategic sector and recovering part of the lost ground to grow and recover the prestige and weight of the past, but are still very far from the rest of Spain.


• Machining centers (3, 4 or 5 axes for machining of hard materials)

• Mazak FH - 4800, 2 tables, 80 weighed.

• Mazak 4 axes VTC 2.000 C

• Okuma MX55-VT

• Okuma MB-46VAE (nov.2004)

• Kitamura Mycenter-2

• Okuma Mac Turn 350-W (2004 dec.)

• Dekel Maho 80 t, 5-axis, (January 2005)

• Okuma LB-400 C-1250,

• Okuma LB-250-T,

• Okuma LCS-15-C

• Okuma LB-15-II

The centres of torneado-fresado model MacTurn 250/350/550 of Okuma, company marketed by machine Center, are suitable for producing complete complex parts.

They have great flexibility since it integrates technologies such as turning, milling, drilling of deep holes, sloped, torneado-fresado, court milling thread milling eccentric, milling of polygons, carved, cut synchronized and cut simultaneously. With this flexibility it performs a very fast way cycle and retrieves a great potential for innovation in new buildings. This means that you can change the material of the piece in the rough, combine parts into one, reduce the size of lot and reduce the available stock, among others.

It's machines that have a wide cross section and are of rigid frame. They are designed to withstand hard (up to 31 tonnes of weight). They are part of a powerful main spindle of up to 37 kW and a spindle of milling of up to 22 kW.

They are machines multifunction control 9 axes, up to 5 axes simultaneous cutting and have different types of grip tools: BT50, HSK-A 63, KM 63, and Capto C 6. The quick tour is up to 40 m/min and complete machining with subhusillo.

Related Companies or Entities

Barcelona Aeronàutica i De L'Espai
Danobat, S.Coop.
DMG Mori Ibérica, S.L.U.
European Space Agency / Agencia Espacial Europea
Intermaher, S.A.
Máquina Center, S.A.

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