
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Entrevista a Carlos del Piñal, director general Husqvarna, División Consumer, Península Ibérica
“Today the challenge is to know adapt to the evolution of the customers”

Interview to Carlos of the Piñal, general director Husqvarna, Division Consumer, Iberian Peninsula

Irene Relda30/05/2014

Gardena has of a wide catalogue of products for the care and maintenance of the garden, products that, according to Carlos of the Piñal, general director Husqvarna, Division Consumer, Iberian Peninsula, characterise by his “easy “ handle and the ergonomics of his designs, that adapt to all type of users”. Besides, in his commitment with the environingingment, more than half of the articles of his catalogue are allocated to the intelligent consumption of the water and to the saving of power.

Carlos of the Piñal, general director Husqvarna, Division Consumer, Iberian Peninsula
Carlos of the Piñal, general director Husqvarna, Division Consumer, Iberian Peninsula.

His catalogue of products has near of 800 references…

Yes, work a very wide assortment that covers all the needs of the consumer. Have a very stood out presence regarding all type of systems of irrigation, but also have of all the necessary for the care of the lawn, the poda, electrical machinery and of petrol...

And which product is today the most sued?

Inside the products of irrigation, in the campaign of spring, the most used are the connectors, guns and hoses, but can not forget us of the irrigation programmers, in which we have been leaders from his implantation in Spain in 1985, and that result indispensable for the automation of the irrigation of surface. In this family, Gardena offers a very complete range and of very easy use.

What other products would stand out?

The range of electrical machinery under the mark Gardena are products of high rotation. In autumn, of course, stand out the tools of poda, scissors, recortaramas...

How and where they distribute these products?

Have a distribution multicanal. We work with practically the majority of the networks of distribution in Spain, so much in the traditional channels as with the big surfaces, shops of bricolaje, ironingingmongery and gardens. We resupply them from our central warehouse European situated in Ulm (Germany), that guarantees us, thanks to his logistics, a percentage of delivery of more than 95% of effectiveness.


And which is the profile of his customers in our country?

Our customers present different profiles. The majority are people that look for a product of confidence, enamoured “people” of his garden and with a high knowledge of our range because of our long path of distribution in Spain. In the act of purchase are fundamentally masculine, although it exists a variation according to the type of product and use that goes him to give. In the thermal sensors machinery the profile is more masculine, whereas in the poda the profile is more feminine. In the case of the irrigation, the scales bends also of the masculine side.

What think that asks him the user to a team or tool for gardening? Which appearances values more to the hour to decide by a model or another?

Quality, durability and ease of use. Likewise, the customers value a lot the hygiene that can contribute him a mark to give them a fast and effective solution if it appears any incidence of product.

The automation has conquered already a lot of industrial states. It occurs like this with his sector?

Yes, the customer looks for products of use increasingly easy and that require lower effort. Our work in innovation goes in this steering. The customer wants comfort and enjoy of the garden without having to be working in him. Therefore, some of our more sued products are the programmers for the automation of the irrigation of the garden, that avoid to have to be slopes of the irrigations. Another clear example has been the launching of the robots cortacésped, a product whose main concept is to have a perfect lawn day in day out without realizar the lower effort.


And the energetic saving, is a value to take into account?

Think that in addition to a value is an environingingmental obligation. Increasingly our development of product focaliza to this field (batteries with greater capacity and lower energetic cost, pumps of intelligent pressesure that adapt to the needs without spending unnecessary power). In our company is one of the priorities. In fact, we are placed inside the 100 better companies of the world in sustainability.

How it helps his company to the efficient management of the water?

From the year 1985, Gardena has bet by the saving of the water with launchings like the system Micro Drip, range of dripping that carry developing 29 years, supporting and promoting the big saving of water that achieves, and trying concienciar to our customers that with a small investment will save year to year a big quantity of water. Also in this subject have supported to our distributors with learning and tried concienciarles so that they transmitted it to his time to the users of this type of ranges. Besides, the quality of our products does that the losses of water in the irrigation are insignificant.

In which measure has influenced the crisis generalised in the demand of articles for the garden?

In our case, the crisis has influenced especially in that a fundamental appearance to the hour to buy a product was the price, although without losing the perspective of the hygiene that contributes the mark. What himself have detected is that the faithful users, supporting in the new technologies, compare increasingly the prices to look for the best offer.

Please, speak us of the tendencies in the design and manufacture of this type of equipment and tools.

Regarding the diagram of our offer, a tendency these last years has been the will to organise the lines of products ensuring the existence of articles “gone in of range” to an attractor trucks price but, of course, ensuring his service postventa. On the other hand, we follow betting by the launching of a big number of novelties year after year. Regarding the products in yes, his designs look for especially efficiency, ergonomics, practicidad, lightness and ease of use.

Which are to his understand the challenges to which confronts the sector in the actuality?

Think that today the challenge is to know adapt to the evolution of the customers. The user is increasingly demanding and partly thanks to the apparition of the new technologies, is more and better informed. This does that our main aim was to achieve that all the information and the requests that the user demands us are pertinent and are very piped. We think that thinking only in terms of “sale” will not be possible to face the future.

How has to face the future then?

With an active attitude of the companies that support in a global group that gather product, information, marketing, service postventa and the opinions of the users.

Related Companies or Entities

Gardena - Husqvarna España

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