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Pavilion 5, stand I-26 / I-34

Gaiker-IK4 presents in the BIEMH 28 new developments in composites and materials for impressesion 3D

Editorial Interempresas26/05/2014

Gaiker-IK4 presents his technological offer in composites and additive manufacture in the twentieth eighth edition of the Biennial Machine-Tool (BIEMH). This fair that celebrates in the BEC (Bilbao Exhibition Centre) the years stop, account in this occasion with a special space devoted to the composites and to the additive manufacture.

The presence of Gaiker-IK4 in a stand shared together with other five organisations devoted to the R&D, allows to the technological centre show the results of the númerosos projects in which it has developed material composites and applications with the same. These materials —in which Gaiker-IK4 carries working from his foundation in the year1985— are increasingly sued by the industry (aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing, automotive sector, construction, railway industry, wind, etc.) by his high mechanical provision and low weight, and wake up big interest in the sector of the machine-tool.

Among others elements manufactured in material composite, the technological centre exposes an aileron, especially developed for a car of careers, or one covers of casket that is being tested by the City council of Bilbao and whose implantation would allow to avoid the costs and risks associated to his frequent theft, as well as the acoustic pollution that produce.


The third industrial revolution

Regarding the additive manufacture, process whose possibilities are so innovative that the experts speak already of the new revolution that his generalisation will make possible, Gaiker-IK4 presents materials of different composition (own developments) for his employment in impressesion 3D. Some of these materials incorporate, for example, nanotubos, grafeno or mineral loads. The centre presents likewise pieces manufactured employing this technology based in the process of union of materials, layer to layer, to create objects from a design 3D.

In this sense, related with his developments, fits to stand out the project Etorgai m+i3D, “the new generation of materials and printer 3D for manufacture advanced', led by BTI Biotechnology Institute, in which the technological centre participates from 2013. The aim of this project is to develop in the Basque Country the materials and the industrial team of additive manufacture by impressesion 3D by means of deposition of plastic thread, to obtain, without need to resort to the employment of moulds, destined personalised pieces to the medical sector and of the health (implant prosthesis, etc.).

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