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Pavilion 1 stand F-12 and G-11

Novelties of the hand of Redex in the BIEMH 2014

Editorial Interempresas02/05/2014

The company Redex Andantex arrives to the BIEMH to show his innovative accionamientos for tables of turning and milling, the new generation of reductores planetary and his new motors of cabezal of high pair.

Accionamientos For tables of turning-milling

The range of accionamientos MSR of Redex is a solution key in hand for tables of turning-milling, that offers to the manufacturers of machines-important tool reductions of cost in design and setting. The functions of turning and axis C implement in this same accionamiento, doing the most compact machine, at the same time that it improves substantially the performance, the precision and the maintenance.

The accionamientos MSR simplify radically the cinematic of the mechanical transmission in vertical lathes of big size, avoiding intermediate stages between the engine and the crown. The configuration TwinDrive of Redex is formed by two boxes of transmission with identical motors. It treats of a more standard solution, economic and of greater availability that an only big engine. In operations of turning share the pair engine to 50%. With the help of the CNC, manages a system master-slave that deletes 100% of the holgura when we act in way ‘Axis C', being able to carry out the works of interpolation and positioning more demanding (milling, taladrado, escariado, etc). That is to say, it has of function turning and positioned in a same accionamiento without need of auxiliary components.

The manufacturers of machines multitask (multitarea) have like this of a commercial solution, exclusively available by Redex, for accionamientos of dishes of turning-milling of high provision, compatible with the last generations of controls and commercial regulators (Siemens, Fanuc, etc).

The provision of the range MSR cover any need of the market:

  • 4 available sizes
  • Pair of exit of until 9.000/18.000 Nm (motors 2 x 100 kW).
  • Relations of global reduction (including box + tops toothed): 77/20 and 172/45.
  • Pairs in the table until 270.000 Nm.
  • Option of alone reenvío angular.
Accionamientos MSR
Accionamientos MSR.

KRPX, the cubic concept for accionamientos pinion-zip

With an eye in the costs and with the another in the provision, the majority of losfabricantes of machines-tool have happened to the ‘cubic concept' invented and developed by Redex to improve the solutions in accionamientos of axles.

The ‘cubic concept' involves that the structure of the machine where mounts the reductor turns into part of the accionamiento in himself same. They do not need intermediate pieces between reductor and machine and, in a lot of occasions, avoids the need to extend the car where goes mounted. The implementation of the setting only requires the simple mechanised of a flat surface to adapt the interface of setting of the reductor. The main aim is to save costs of design and setting and improve substantially the rigidity of the accionamiento.

KRPXng Is the new generation of reductores planetary of low game, very high rigidity and improved efficiency, whose planetary system finds lodged directly in the carcasa cubic, without intermediate pieces. 2 reductores motorised cancel entirely the game of the system by means of a management máster-slave (system TwinDrive of Redex). The range KRPXng is available in 5 sizes. They are reductores compact in height of pinion, not being elder of 75.9 in the smallest size and 135 mm in the elder.

KRPXng Incorporates the solution patented of Redex of cut of the pinion in the same axis of exit, that offers the ideal combination between pair transmisible and linear rigidity. The package of threads that bear the axis-pinion of exit composes of two threads of rollers of angular contact precargados and notably sobredimensionados. This construction allows that the point of support was the more near possible of the point of load in the pinion of exit, since so alone the thickness of the nut of precarga separates the pinion of the package of threads. Thanks to this only design reduces considerably the flexión radial, that is responsible of 60% of the total distortion, which is used to to be the weak point of the majority of existent systems in the market.

In consequence, the natural frequencies of the accionamientos of axis that incorporate the KRPXng increase notably, being able to have the machine of high levels of KV that allow greater dynamic (until 25 m/s2) without need to implement electronic filters. The result is a greater capacity to displace loads more weighed to greater speed in the most demanding requests of positioned.

Reductores KRPXng
Reductores KRPXng.

DRP, another cubic concept for accionamientos pinion-zip

The range DRPng is formed by 5 sizes of reductores planetary of low game and very high rigidity, totally integrated in a carcasa cubic list to be mounted in machine like part of his own structure.

The system DualDrive of Redex allows the cancellation of 100% of the game in all the system pinion-zip by means of the disposal of a profitable precarga mechanical with an alone engine. Likewise it can have of a system of cancellation of the game by means of the function máster slave of precarga electrical using two motors (system TwinDrive of Redex).

The solution patented of Redex of cut of the pinion in the same axis of exit, offers the ideal combination between pair transmisible and linear rigidity. The package of threads that bear the axis-pinion of exit composes of two threads of rollers of angular contact precargados and notably sobredimensionados. This construction allows that the point of support was the more near possible of the point of load in the pinion of exit, since so alone the thickness of the nut of precarga separates the pinion of the package of threads. Thanks to this only design reduces considerably the flexión radial, that is responsible of 60% of the total distortion, which is used to to be the weak point of the majority of existent systems in the market.

Like this, the natural frequencies of the accionamientos of axis that incorporate the DRPng increase notably, being able to have the machine of high levels of KV that allow greater dynamic (until 25 m/s2) without need to implement electronic filters. The result is a greater capacity to displace loads more weighed to greater speed in the most demanding requests of positioned.

Range of reductores DRPng
Range of reductores DRPng.

GM, new generation of motors of cabezal of high pair

The new generation GM of motors of cabezal with hollow axis, of high performance and refrigerated with water, is the technological result of the alliance between Redex and Kessler, recognised world-wide pioneers in systems of accionamiento for machine-tool.

These motors integrate a new revolutionary box of speeds that offers high pairs and speeds in a minimum space. The design of these motors has been conceived to be integrated inside the most reduced rams (milling machines, boring mills, vertical lathes and machining centres). The integration Mecatrónica avoids threads and unnecessary interfaces, to end to attain the greater compactación possible. Besides, these motors ensure the greater thermal sensors stability and all hydraulics and electrical connections are properly situated in the rear part.

The new design (third generation) has been optimised to increase the performance and the reliability, incorporating new systems of hygiene and detection. The range GM engloba 6 constructive sizes that cover some capacities from the 800 to 10.000 Nm nominal and speeds of until 12.000 rpm. GM Is totally compatible with the systems of conventional control.

Options such as together rotary presses, systems of tie up/desamarre of automatic tool, encoders and cones HSK, SK or Attract complete the different possibilities. These options turn them into electromandrinos of high pair to the use.

The range GM engloba several patents all over the world, is the solution technically more advanced of the market in accionamiento of cabezales and results especially indicated for the mechanised of hard material and of difficult behaviour, as well as for those applications that require the highest requirements of productivity in some surroundings restricted.

Engine of cabezal GM
Engine of cabezal GM.

Related Companies or Entities

Redex Spain, S.L.

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