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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Faro estará presente en el World Foundry Congress

Lighthouse will be present in the World Smelting Congress


29 April 2014

Lighthouse will be present in the 71º World-wide Congress of Smelting, that will take place of the 19 to 21 May in Bilbao. The sustainability will be the central axis of an event favoured by the World-wide Organisation of Smelting and by the Institute of Smelting Tabira. This congress, that has a wide program of activities, will suppose for the companies assistants an extraordinary opportunity for the exchange of technical knowledges between professionals and companies specialists of all the world.

The International Fair of Smelting will be one of the main activities that will compose the program of said congress. In her, Lighthouse Spain, from his stand number 62, will present his last novelties, regarding products and services. Between them, his product crashes for this sector: the Lighthouse ScanArm.

Lighthouse ScanArm will present in the world-wide congress of smelting
Lighthouse ScanArm will present in the world-wide congress of smelting.

To guarantee the quality of the ironinging melted, the aluminium and other products of metal, and at the same time fulfil with the demands of the customers in relation with the deliveries, is vital that the companies of smelting and molding of metals do a follow-up of the critical wear of the matrices and correct any potential problem before the final inspection of the pieces of smelting. With the arms of portable measurement of Lighthouse, can take measurements of fast and precise way realizar dimensional analysis of patterns, moulds and matrices directly in the plant of smelting. The results are terms reduced of delivery of products to the customers and the realisation of all the stages of manufacture with a minimum quantity of wastes and reprocesado.

The Lighthouse Edge ScanArm IS, is the last advance in sensors of scanned Laser Line of Lighthouse, with Enhanced Scanning Technology (EST). EST Is the combination of diverse improvements of hardware and software to promote the performance optimising the capacity to scan difficult surfaces. Like this, the materials of dark or reflective appearance can scan with lower effort and without need of sprinklers neither coatings of surfaces. On the other hand, the new algorithms improved of filtered adjust and optimise automatically the parameters of scanned for colours and plastic surfaces, metallic and many more. The new way HDR (High Dynamic Range) of the Lighthouse ScanArm IS allows to the users scan material of distinct colours (like white and black) at the same time. The Lighthouse Edge ScanArm IS is the ideal tool for the development of products, the inspection and the control of quality.

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