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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Manel da Silva, project manager de Light Alloys Unit de Ascamm

“The competition of emergent countries is elevated, thus the sector has to reinvent”

Interview to Manel gives Silva, project manager of Light Alloys Unit of Ascamm

Irene Relda09/04/2014

In the actuality, the Private Foundation Ascamm collaborates in three projects of smelting injected of light alloys: Doshormat (technology of desgasificado of aluminium based in the ultrasounds of power); Soundcast (technology of low cost for injection of aluminium assisted by means of empty), and Music (system of control and performance that car-regulate the machine of injection and all the own peripherals of the process of injection of light alloys). Good part of this technology could see in the stand of the technological centre in the past edition of Euroguss, that celebrated in Núremberg (Germany), between the 14 and on 16 January. Manel gives Silva, Project Manager of Light Alloys Unit of the Private Foundation Ascamm, explains it to us.

Manel gives Silva, Project Manager of Light Alloys Unit of Ascamm
Manel gives Silva, Project Manager of Light Alloys Unit of Ascamm.

Ascamm Participated in the past edition of Euroguss. Which is the balance after his go through the fair? What received has had his technology?

The balance is quite positive, since in the stand had tens of visitors each one of the days of the fair, interested in the diverse projects and services that offer from Ascamm. The visitors were very diverse, from companies that came to consult us concrete problems and very specific until professionals that looked for a general information of what are doing.

What woke up greater interest?

The technology of ultrasonic treatment of metals in all the slopes that are working from Ascamm was the strong dish, especially the new project Doshormat, that is allowing us continue the development of the technology of desgasificado by means of ultrasounds created in the project Ultragassing. Fruit of this interest have of several companies that have included to the program of Beta-Testers of the technology that will take place along the year 2015.

What thinks that demand this sector in the actuality? Which are the needs?

The competition of emergent countries is elevated. This has done that the sector have to reinvent. The two clearer tendencies that are observing in the smelting to pressesure is a greater automation of the productive processes and the orientation did applications of greater value added, structural components with important mechanical requests. Ascamm Is working to be able to help to the foundries of our surroundings in these two needs detected in the last years.

Stand Of Ascamm in Euroguss
Stand Of Ascamm in Euroguss.

Speak us of the sector of the smelting injected of light alloys. In what investigates at present? Which developments would stand out?

All or the greater part of the investigation applied in the smelting to pressesure is oriented to the reduction of the porosidad and the improvement of the mechanical properties of the pieces injected.

For example?

Forms more effective or clean of desgasificar the aluminium; systems to extract the gases of the mould by means of the application of empty; new alloys improved that they allow to reach better mechanical properties to lower cost, and optimisation of the thermal sensors treatments and processes of welding of these components.

You showed a system of desgasificación of aluminium by means of ultrasounds. In what consists? Which technology incorporates?

The application of the ultrasounds for desgasificar aluminium knows from the years of the decade of 1960. The fact that nowadays the technology of ultrasounds was more stable and robust that the one who existed 50 years ago, jointly with a European rule increasingly restrictiva in the use of the gases and salts required, have done that the ultrasounds are an alternative that has increasingly sense.

Which are his main applications?

The field of application is the same that in the existent systems of desgasificación: the reduction of the content of present hydrogen in the liquid aluminium to end to reduce the porosidad present in the components colados and, consistently, improve his mechanical properties.

They participated with a system of demonstration to generate cavitación and dispersion in liquids. Describe it to us.

Ascamm Carried to the fair a device of ultrasounds of reduced power to visualise the effect that have in a liquid. Along the 3 days of fair did demonstrations of his operation, so much in water, looking for the cavitación of the same and the generation of bubbles, as with distinct liquids, with the intention to disperse a substance inmiscible in another.

Also they presented the technology Ultra Light Metals. Which are his main applications?

Ultra Light Metals Is the name that has given ours spinn-off Ultrasion of generic form to all the applications that are developing based in the ultrasonic treatment of metals.

What other technologies exposed in Núremberg?

In the fair also presented the project Soundcast, in which Ascamm is collaborating in the development of technology of low cost for smelting injected of aluminium assisted by means of empty.

Installations of the technological centre Ascamm, in Cerdanyola (Barcelona)
Installations of the technological centre Ascamm, in Cerdanyola (Barcelona).

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