
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Recortasetos telescópico para alcanzar grandes alturas cómodamente

Accu Gardena Is a model thought to cut the highest fences of safe form

Rehedge cutters Telescopic to reach big heights comfortably

Editorial Interempresas07/03/2014

Gardena has developed the rehedge cutters telescopic Accu THS Li-18-/42, perfect for the comfortable care, easy and sure of the high fences, from the floor, to what adds the advantage of the absence of wire, something totally practical for the poda of fences.

The rehedge cutters telescopic Accu THS Li-18-/42 Gardena, light and very simple of utilisation, with his telescopic axis, easy and comfortable in all the positions, allows to reach the highest fences, with heights of until three metres roughly. On the other hand, his cabezal tiltable facilitates a flexible use so much to cut the highest fences as for the lowest. The special form of his blades, of long useful life, guarantees an effective cut, fast and clean. Besides, his ergonomic handle ensures a comfortable work at all times.

Rehedge cutters Telescopic with Accu THS Li-18/42 Gardena

Rehedge cutters Telescopic with Accu THS Li-18/42 Gardena.

For a total ease of movement, the new rehedge cutters telescopic is endowed of an interchangeable battery of ion-lithium 18v, 2.0Ah, for a prolonged use and without interruption, that provides a big autonomy. This battery, BLi-18, is likewise applicable for other different products.

The rehedge cutters telescopic Accu THS Li-18-/42 Gardena offers a comfortable and effective solution for the comfortable and easy maintenance of high fences.

In figures...

  • Length sword: 42 cm.
  • Capacity and tension of the battery: 18 V / 2 Ah
  • Type of the battery: Li-Ion
  • Autonomy: 75 min aprox.
  • Weight: 3,2 kg
  • telescopic Mango: 3 metres
  • ergonomic Handle: Himself
Comfort and comfort with the new rehedge cutters telescopic of Gardena
Comfort and comfort with the new rehedge cutters telescopic of Gardena.

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